Save Me Dream and All.

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Potter was tossing and turning again. His breathing ragged. He's having another nightmare isn't he.
"Potter wake up" Malfoy whispered harshly.
But then Potter started to mutter "no please no. Don't hurt him. Stop it"
"Potter get up!"

But Potter was stuck in his nightmare and it was getting worse, his breath was coming fast as if he had ran a lap of Hogwarts, beads of sweat were evident on his pain and panic stricken face.

Malfoy shook his shoulders. It didn't work, Potter was still mumbling desperately. Then his left hand shot up and clutched his forehead, right on the scar, and that's when Malfoy knew it was bad.

"Potter! Wake up! It's only a dream!" Malfoy said getting louder as panic filled his voice. It didn't work. What do I do? I don't know what to do. Get Blaise.

"Blaise!" Malfoy called out. He looked weak calling for help but he didn't care. He couldn't do this. There was a mummer in response.
"Blaise please. I need your help" Malfoy pleaded, he needed to wake Potter up.

The curtains were yanked open, a sleep stricken Blaise was tense and alert. He took one glance at the tossing and turning Potter."what's wrong with him?" He asked.
"He won't wake up Blaise! Make him wake up!" Malfoy was sure he was being too loud but he was scared.
He shook him hard and then when Potter took in a gasping breath he called out to him.
"Harry wake up! It's only a nightmare. Wake up." That did it.

Harry's eyes snapped open, Malfoy could see terror, panic and tears in their emerald surface. Then he was hunched over the side of the bed, pulling Malfoy with him, and threw up. Only something terrible would make that happen. He clutched his scar so hard it looked painful but it must have been to relieve the pain on his face. In his eyes.
"I need to go to Dumbledore" he said, his voice raspy.
He made a move to get up but no one in this state should be walking. Malfoy pushed him back down with the palm of his hand on his chest.
"No. Blaise get Snape"
"But I need to."
"Shh it was just a dream" Malfoy said gently.
"No. It wasn't. Voldemort was torturing Arthur Weasly"
Draco's blood turned to ice, he had never liked the Weaslys but he would never wish this on them. It was then that Malfoy realised he was gripping Potter's hand, and Potter was gripping back.

"Are you certain Harry?" Dumbledore asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Yes. Are you calling me a liar? I know what I saw and ". Harry answered angrily. Malfoy could see why he would be angry. If he were in Potter's shoes he would be too.
"Hush my dear boy, I'm only making sure. I've sent an urgent owl to the ministry of magic. All we can do now is wait"

Potter was about to burst out again but Malfoy tugged him away towards a chair. He chose the chairs closest to the leaver arch window where it was barely morning outside. Potter was staring out the window, turning his head away from Mrs Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George who sat shell shocked in similar chairs. It was strange for Malfoy to be in the situation where he would be sympathetic for people like them. But the more he thought about it the more it made sense. He just hoped his father would never hear about this.
Time had passed but no one knew how long. Hours. Minutes. All they knew was that the silent static tension in the air could only be broken by good news. And good news came, in the form of a Ministry of Magic owl, Arthur Weasley was alive! Malfoy could see the relief wash over everyone but curiously Potter had become all tense again. Upon further inspection he could see that Potter's hands were shaking.

"What's wrong?" Malfoy asked, the silent tension had released their vocal chords and he was under the cloud of voices.
"Nothing." He replied but he was avoiding eye contact because apparently the ground was more interesting.
"Potter look at me"
Potter shook his head, continued staring at the cracks in the cobblestone and replied "I'm fine"
Malfoy knew he wasn't.

They were in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Well it was more like an ordinary muggle shop that Harry had been too. The red bricks and large print out that said Purge and Dowse Ltd. Made Harry think that this was some kind of hoax. What was more bizare was when Mrs Weasley went up to an  in-animated dummy and started talking to it like it was the most usual thing in the world. Then it changed, with a flash, the red brick walls turned sterile white and he could see people in lime green uniform robes rushing about.

Everyone followed Mrs Weasley to the reception desk and followed the instructions on how to get to the First floor - creature induced Injuries. At first Harry thought Voldemort was the creature but it had turned out he had been bitten quite badly by a snake. First prize if you guess who owned that snake. "If he hasn't had been saved sooner he wouldn't had been as lucky" That should feel like praise but really it just made his already Atlantic deep spirit plummet even further. He felt cold, how come he had to see this? Why couldn't he be wrong? Was he possessed? Sure he had saved a life but at what cost? Would this potentially cost a life? After the Wesley's had hugged and reunited Arthur turned his attention on Harry.

It was hard to look at someone who had injuries physically because at least if he had just imagined it he wouldn't feel so connected to evil. Arthur thanked and thanked Harry, giving strange looks to Malfoy who was being dragged along for the ride, but Harry didn't want thanks. He wanted answers.

"I need to have a private word with your dad for a minute. Just wait outside" Mrs Weasley instructed, but the Weasley Children didn't dare object or didn't have the energy to.
"I wonder what they're talking about" Ron said
"We could listen" George suggested while digging deep in his Jean pocket and pulling out a human ear. Well not quite but it was close enough.
"In just don't get it, how did Harry know?" Molly's confused voice asked.
"I don't know. Maybe... maybe he's connected know who"
"You're saying he's possessed? That's crazy I know Harry he wouldn't want this"
"Yeah It's just I've seen cases of things like this where they don't know what they're doing. I wouldn't rule it out Molly. I hate to say it but.."
Harry dropped the ear. Possessed? What if he hurt Ron, Hermionie, Sirius? Ron was looking at him now, Harry didn't wait long enough to read his expression, he left before anyone could say anything.

"Where are you going Potter?"
Potter didn't respond. He kept walking.
Malfoy tugged him to a stop harshly when their wrists snapped apart. They looked at each other for a second and then Harry finally free of a questioning Malfoy walked briskly away. Malfoy followed fast and determined.
"Was it was they said? Is it because you dreamed it and it really happened?"
Potter either couldn't hear him or was doing a great job ignoring him.
"For Merlin's sake Potter you saved him what else do you want a medal?"
Potter stopped and turned around as sharp as a knife, the words that followed were just as well.
"I don't want a medal Malfoy, I want answers! Why the hell did I see that? I might as well be possessed then I wouldn't have to deal with all this! Voldemort going around and messing up everything in my life! I'm sick and tired of all this! Stop trying to pretend you know or even want to know anything about me! You're supposed to hate me!! Why don't you just make it easier and just hate me!!"

Malfoy jumped at the outburst and then did the most awkward thing someone who just got yelled at could do. He kissed him. He didn't know what had caused it, maybe just Potter's lips forming words the way they did but after a second Potter kissed back. It was like an anger outlet, fast, passionate and rough. They moved in sync, Malfoy's hands on either side of Potter's face, Potter's hands on Malfoy's hips pulling him closer. Eyes closed, feeling every movement against each other, this was much more than a game. It felt like the most natural thing in the world but they both knew it shouldn't have.

"Excuse me" A voice broke through the passion. They jumped apart from each other like they had been burnt. Hands Immediately by their sides. They looked up to see what voice spoke.
It was a Mediwitch.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I think your friends just went that way, they were looking for you" She was being kind, Harry had thought a mean remark would have been said but instead it was just helpful.
"Oh...thanks" Harry said back and smiled slightly.

He turned to go, hand running thought his hair when she spoke again "you're very cute together!" Potter and Malfoy looked at each other and their turned their faces away in embarrassment, and without a word they started walking in the direction the Mediwitch had pointed to. They were going back to Hogwarts.

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