The Secret Weapon.

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"Well well well, Dumbledore's Army is it? I always knew you were up to it Mr. Potter. Now you are going to answer my questions, ah Severus"
Umbridge gave a sickly smile towards Snape who had just appeared in the doorway and then continued.

"I need Veritaserum"

Snape looked around the room and then replied coldly.

"I'm afraid it has all been used up"

Umbridge scowled, Harry breathed out a breath he hasn't realised he had been holding in, then Umbridge began to usher Snape out of the room but Harry needed him to know about Sirius.

Just as Snape stepped out of the room Harry blurted out "They have Padfoot in the place where it's hidden!"

Snape stilled.

"What does that mean? Severus tell me!"

Snape turned around sharply on his heel and with no emotion of any kind on his face replied

"I have no idea" and then left.

"Well that leaves me with no choice Mr. Potter" Umbridge said while holding out her wand

"I will have to Cruccio you"

Harry's blood turned cold, he had been Crucciod before by Voldemort himself and it felt like every fibre in his body was being burned and pulled all at once. There were gasps around the room and Hermione, Ron and Neville who had not gotten away in time (and were held with wands poking in their necks) looked petrified.

"But you can't do that, it's illegal!" Hermione burst out looking close to tears.

Umbridge smiled sickly again "What the minister doesn't know won't hurt him"

Then she stepped closer with her wand held out. Harry squirmed, but the ropes on his wrists held him fast, there was no getting away.


"Harry just tell her!" Hermione screamed.

Umbridge stopped.
"Tell me what?" Umbridge demanded her voice going even further up the octave.

But Harry had no idea, his mind was racing as fast as his heart was pumping.

"About the secret weapon" Hermione said quietly.

But there was no secret weapon - this must just be an escape plan but how on earth was it going to work.

"Tell me about this secret weapon" Umbridge ordered, now digging her wand painfully into Harry's neck.

"I can't tell you, but I can show you"

Umbridge then ordered Draco to 'escort' Harry who was following Hermione. Draco didn't handle Harry harshly, if anything the pressure on his arm, and the barely there point in his back was just support. Harry knew Draco would let him get away.

Hermione lead them to the dark forest and it was only when they turned right beside a familiar tree did Harry know what Hermione was up to. This was where Hagrid had taken them to see his half brother Grawp.

Unfortunately the giant was no where to be seen but instead there were centures standing in a circle around the group looking furious while stamping their feet. Hagrid had explained that Umbridge had put borders on where they could go and that made them angry. Umbridge looked shocked at their presence.

"Get out of my way filthy half breeds" She spat at them.

When they stubbornly didn't do as she so nicely asked she did the worst thing a person could do. She attacked a centure. The ropes coming out of her wand choked the Centure with scary power and all that the Centure could do was claw uselessly at it's throat.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Hermionie cried out.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Grawp appeared, how such a large giant could hide was beyond Harry.
Grape lifted Umbridge up curious at the extreme levels of pink. Umbridge screamed and yelled at the Giant.

"I work for the Minister of Magic. Put me down I'm the High Inquisitor!!"

Then the Centures attacked, shooting arrows into the Giant who only looked mildly annoyed but then decided the pink thing he was holding just wasn't worth it and was all together too pink for his liking. The Centures then took her away but before they did Umbridge cried out to Harry

"Tell them I mean them no harm!"

He replied "I'm sorry, I must not tell lies"

With that she went off screaming deep into the forbidden forest.

"What did you mean earlier? What you said to Professor Snape?" Draco asked, now standing with his wand by his side.

"It means I need to go to the Ministry of Magic" Harry said.

"Harry you are not going alone we talked about this! It could be a trap!" Hermione reasoned.

"I know what I saw Hermione" Harry replied stubbornly.

The argument continued from then on all the way to the entrance of the castle where they were met with the Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna.

"Ron how did you get away?"

Ron grinned and replied smugly,  "Gave them some of my brothers sweets"

Harry laughed, anything made by Fred and George was probably going to kill you.

"I was thinking Harry we could get to London on Thestrals" Luna said.

Harry sighed "I don't want anyone else to come with me, I don't want you getting hurt"

"But we've had a great teacher" Neville said.

"We're going with you wheather you like it or not" Ginny stated.

Harry turned to face Draco who looked completely confused.

"Thanks for warning us earlier, you saved a whole lot of people. Stay here"

With that Harry started walking back to the dark forest, Ginny, Ron, Hermionie, Neville and Luna following him.

"Umm Harry, I don't mean to sound ungrateful for that gits help but why?" Ron asked.

"Actually I have no idea, You'd have to ask him yourself"

"Harry it sort if looks like you care about him" Ginny pointed out.

"What? What on earth gave you that impression?" Harry splutted feeling red in the face.

"Well, you're blushing also 'stay here' makes it sound like you don't want him to get hurt" Hermione said.

"That's absurd, I have no idea what you're talking about, look there are more important things to do"

"Harry are you dating Malfoy?" Ron asked a bit too loud.

"Oh look the Thestrals are over here" Harry pointed out changing the subject and avoiding the question.

They were flying, soaring into London, it felt amazing with the wind brushing through his hair, but it must be terrifying for Ron, and Hermione who couldn't see the creature underneath them. They finally arrived cold and windswept.

Harry lead the way down the slick black tiles into the padlocked and very decorated with 'do don't enter signs' but Harry needed to get Sirus.
Stepping into that doorway gave a cicular hallway that have five other doors attached. Harry went for his gut feeling and picked the first one on the left. Maggots. Giant Hairy maggots were swarming that room. Harry slammed it shut with a bang. Then the next one wouldn't open. Not even for 'alohamora' or any spell Hermionie tried at that. The third door opened to what Harry had seen in his nightmares. There were rows and rows of dusty wood shelves stacked high holding spheres of a dull blue light. This was it.

Harry knew what he was looking for a glowing blur sphere on row 90 something, so he walked briskly saying the numbers under his breath as he went.

He knew Sirius would be near here and from snipers of whispers in his nightmares only coming clear now, knew that there was something else important here. A prophecy. Then just as Harry's hand touched the side of the strangely glowing sphere there was the sound of trouble. The death eaters were here. It was a trap.

The Re-sorting Hat.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora