I smiled and was honestly sad that I'm missing them this much. I never expected for us to be gone this long but having to search the territory, cells, the town, and the woods for any sign that she could be here was really a lot of work.

"So how are you and Alpha meany face doing?" I heard a low growl and I looked to see Braxton clenching and unclenching his fist.

"Oops." She said but I could hear the smile in her voice.

I wanted to laugh but knowing that we would probably get into a fight ... Again, I decided to not.

"We're fine."

"Athena can you take Xavier back inside for me please?" Ariana said

"Sure! Come here my fat chubby baby" He giggled and I heard their footsteps retreating.

"Anything?" She asked and I knew what she meant.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"No. This one was a bust too. But we're heading to Seattle in a little." I couldn't help but hear the whimper she made.

"Okay... well I love you. Let me know when you get on the plane. Danny said he sent the private jet this time."

Thank god. I couldn't do the regular planes with other people anymore. It was driving me crazy. The private jet hasn't been used in awhile so I thought we could put it to good use.

"I love you too. I'll call you guys later okay?"

I hung up the phone and I looked up to see Braxton looking out the window.

"Seattle is about nineteen hours away from here. We should head back to the hotel, get our things and leave."

He nodded his head and then the conversation was over.

Since I've been with Braxton for two weeks we haven't really spoke much.

I tell him what I think about the place, he tells me what direction I should head and then he tells me the coordinates to the next location, I give him the time of travel and that's basically it.

Other than that we don't talk.

But something has been bothering me since this whole trip has started.

"We had a funeral service for Eva cause your sister said she was dead. Have you talked to her? Have you even asked her in the two weeks that we have been searching for Eva if maybe she was wrong?"

He went stiff and looked over at me.

"How I handle my business with my family is none of your concern."

Normally I wouldn't have pushed the issue but this was Eva we were talking about.

"Actually it is. I could have been out there this whole time looking for her if your sister didn't lie and say she was dead." I growled out.

He shifted in his seat so that his whole body was facing me.

"Let's be honest. If she was alive you would not have gotten her. I would have. You were ready to shift her off to some country around the world because you were too scared to even face her." He was grabbing hold of his arm rest so hard that I though the was going to brake it.

"I was doing what I thought was best for her!"

"No you were doing what YOU thought was best for YOU!"

The Muted Luna (Sequel to TASW)Where stories live. Discover now