Oli sticks out his hand for me to shake, "oh, nice to meet you Gerard.", he smiles as he shakes my clammy hand.

"Nice to meet you too", I slur in response. I linger away from Bert again while he stays behind to talk to his friend. I wonder where Mikey and Pete are. Oh yea, they're in Bert's room.

I shakily twist open the bedroom door to reveal what I thought I'd never ever see Mikey doing.

He's making out with Pete.

"Mikey..?", I slur through clenched teeth. He was a total asshole to me about my sexuality? But then he's just over here sucking Petes face off? That's a funny story.

Mikey gasps and pulls away from him, "G-Gerard? What are you doing here?!"

Petes wide eyes dart to mine as soon as my little brother pulls away from him.

"What are you doing here?", he repeats again.

I ignore the question, "You're such a goddamn hypocrite!", I snarl, the haze starting to clear up from my foggy mind.

"Are you drunk?", Mikey says, trying to change the subject.

"Thats none of your business!", I immediately snap back, defending myself. "Why've you been such a fucking hypocrite to me all these years? Huh?"

"I-I have reasons!", he stammers.

"Uh huh sure you do.", I say coldly. Mikey furrows his brows and gets off the bed with Petes hand in his.

"C'mon Pete lets just go.", Mikey says angrily as he tries to get through me.

"No, you need to tell me your 'reasons' first".

"Move, Gerard. I'll just tell you some other time.", Mikey tries to push past me.

"What the fuck? No! Tell me now!", I spit.

"Move, we're going."

"No! Why were you such a dick to me about it? You're a hypocrite!"

"Just fucking move out of the way already!", Mikey says, nearly yelling at me now.

"No! Just tell me why and I'll go!", I yell back.

"I'll tell you some other time, just let us go now. I don't want to argue with you anymore.", Mikey growls.

"What makes you think that I'm just going to let this slide by?! Tell me what made you such an arrogant ass last year. What makes you think you're better than everyone else?!"

"Just move. Like I said I don't want to argue!"

"I already told you no, you little-", I can't finish my sentence because something hard collides with my face. I gasp and instantly recoil from what hit me. "What the fuck Mikey?! You punched me!", I say holding my hand over the eye he punched.

Mikey wordlessly pushes past me with Pete. I try to run after him but but my alcohol infested mind won't let me. It just results in me stumbling blindly through a crowd of people. I give up, considering that the situation is hopeless since they're probably walking back to where they came from. And it's not the fact that Mikey never came out to me, it's that he bullied me over him thinking that I was gay. Junior year he got everyone on board that I was gay and everyday I got beat up and teased. And my own brother did that to me. I never fully forgives him for it. I tried to but it's not easy. He's still my brother though, and I still love him.

"Hey Gerard?", Bert yells over the noise. I watch as he looks around the whole place for me. I shrink back into the couch, hoping that he doesn't see me.

When I see him go in the opposite direction I bolt to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and turn on the light. My gaze wanders up to the mirror to see my greasy matted hair covering most of my face. I move it away to look at my eye. Fuck. A deep purple bruise still slowly appearing on my injured eye. That's pretty embarrassing, a fifteen year old beat me up. I shakily cover it back up with my hair and close the door behind me.

"There you are!", one of Bert's friends Andy exclaims making me jump. "Bert was looking all over for your ass. Come on!" I reluctantly follow him, mostly by him making me though. And I making sure the hair covers my bruised eye.

"Found him for ya.", says Andy as he saunters away back to his girlfriend I suppose. Shes thin and has long brown hair with green streaks in it. She seems really happy with Andy.

"Hey! Gerard.", Bert says as he snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh uh sorry," I slur.

"It's fine. Where were you?", he asks.

Quick, gotta make up something. "Umm uh I was in the bathroom.", I lie.

"You okay?", he asks with sympathetic eyes.

"Yea yea I'm fine."

"Cause I saw Mikey and Pete leave and Mikey looked really pissed and I was wondering if maybe it had to do with you", he laughs nervously.

"Oh, uh nothing hap-"

"Damn, move the hair out of your face I can barely see you.", Bert interrupts as he reaches for the jet black hair in front of my face.

"Well I can see you so it's fine!", I hiss.

"Geez okay! But are you sure everything's fine with you and Mikey?", he asks one more time.

I nod, "yes." That was a lie.

WOW THE MOST TERRIBLE AUTHOR IN THE WORLD IS BACK! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating ahhh. I'll try to update more. I had to stop it there cause it was getting pretty long. But if you guys like longer chapters just tell me and I'll be sure to fix that! It's just that I don't really prefer them lol. Thanks for reading and voting!

Panic room by silent planet (met the lead singer, bassist, and guitarist last Friday 😸)

~Abikitty Asylum

But I'd Like To Learn Your Name (Frerard Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora