Chapter 1

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(Kageyama's P.O.V )

Sugawara serves the ball over the net, Kuroo receives the ball and Kenma sets it. Lastly, Yamamoto spikes it over the net. Daichi quickly receives it towards me. I set the ball to Hinata. Shit. It's off. Hinata is already in the air. He opens his eyes and awkwardly leans to the side to get the ball. He barely manages to push it over. He hits into me and I fall to the side. Morisuke is to busy watching to get the ball. After hitting me, Hinata falls on the floor with a loud thump.

The referee blows the whistle, signaling that the game was over. Karasuno= 25 Nekoma= 22. We won. I turn to Hinata who is still on the floor. "Come on dumb ass, we have to do the line up. " I say. As he lifts himself up, I notice blood on the floor. I lower my voice to a whisper and ask " Are you okay?" He looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell anyone. It's nothing and I want to keep playing in the next match." He says.

"B-But your head is bleadi-" Hinata cuts me off, "Please Kageyama." Sugawara jogs up to us and asks, "What's the hold up?" "Ah-uhm-" I cut Hinata off, " Hinata had to tie his shoes laces and asked me to stay with him." Hinata looks confused and then smiles, "Ah, yes, thank you Kageyama." Sugawara smiles " Alright guys, just hurry up, okay?" We both nod as Sugawara walks to the back line.

Hinata pulls off one of his kneepads and wipes his blood up with it. We both notice as fresh blood trickles down his forehead and he wipes it with his kneepad as well. We both get up and running to the back line. Everyone bows and says "Thank you very much!" I hear a loud thud. Damn it! I turn to my right to see Hinata on the floor again.

"Hinata?!" I shout bending down. Daichi bends down too. "What happened?" He asks. "I uh I don't know. H-He fell earlier and told me it was n-nothing but, he was bleeding an-" Sugawara's voice cuts me off. "WE NEED A MEDIC, PLEASE!" He yells. I know that I'm freaking out but, I can't stop. I can feel my breathing getting quicker and my hands are starting to shake.

Daichi grabs my hand. "It's okay, he will be okay." He says with a smile. I nod. A medic rushes over and Daichi and myself move away, giving the medic space to do his job. I watch as the medic shines a small light into Hinata's eyes. And pushes down on his tongue with a tool. The medic pulls out a talking device and calls for an ambulance.

"Damn... what happened?" Kuroo asks as they walk over with most of the Nekoma team. Kenma frowns and asks, " Is Shouyou okay?" The medic tells us that the ambulance will be here shortly. I should've said something to Sugawara. Damn it! Why is he so stupid?! Why am I so stupid?! Kuroo puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Kageyama, are you okay?" He asks. "Stop asking so many damn questions! " I yell. Everyone stares at me. "Tsk. I'm going for a walk." I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I run out of the gym and into an alleyway. I pull out my phone. Did anyone call Hinata's mom? I sigh.

I put the phone to my ear as I call the number. "Hello Tobio, how did your match go?" She asks. "U-uhm?" I don't know how to even start. I don't even know what the hell happened. "Kageyama, What's wrong?.... Is Shouyou okay?" She asks. "I don't know, the ambulance is on the way to pick him up." "Kageyama, I'll come now and we'll drive behind the ambulance. Thank you for telling me." She hangs up.

I wait about 8 minutes and the wailing sounds of the ambulance lets me know that they arrived. As soon as the medics run inside with the stretcher, Hinata's mom shows up. I walk into the gym with her as we see the medics strapping Hinata into the stretcher. There is blood on the floor from where Hinata was on the floor.

His expression hasn't changed. "I can fit three to four more of you in my car if you want to come." Hinata's mom says.

Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka, and Nishinoya came with us in Hinata's mom's car. Asahi wanted to come but Nishinoya came instead because he could fit more easily due to his size. Natsu sat on my lap for the drive. The rest of our team went with Mr.Takeda. Both cars are practically racing behind the ambulance carrying Hinata. We all want to know the same thing, if Hinata is going to be okay.

We arrive in the waiting room lounge and wait. No one is talking. Everyone just waiting for any sign of Hinata being okay. Natsu falls asleep on her mother's lap after a few hours. I fall asleep after waiting a while longer.




"Kageyama." I jolt awake to the voice of Asahi. He nods forward to reveal the doctor speeding towards us holding a clip board. "Shouyou Hinata?" The doctor asks. "Over here." We all say, except for Natsu who is still sleeping, but now in her mother's arms. "My name is Doctor Moesashi. I have some uhm.. bad news. " Doctor Moesashi states as he flips through his clip board.

"Bad news?" Hinata's mom asks. "Due to traumatic brain injury... in this case a fall to the head.. Shouyou is in a coma." This isn't real. Things like this only happen in the movies. It wasn't even that bad of a fall. " People with traumatic brain injury usually remain in a so called true coma for about two weeks to a month, where they have no sleep or wake cycle. They then change to a vigil coma, commonly called vegetative state, where they exhibit sleep or wake cycles, including opening and closing their eyes."

"No way." Daichi says out loud. "I advise you all to visit him as much as possible, people in coma and altered consciousness often fear isolation even more than pain or death." Doctor Moesashi says. "Can we visit now?" Nishinoya asks. "1-2 people at a time for now, would be best." Doctor Moesashi says. "I'll go first." Hinata's mom says, " Kageyama, can you hold Natsu for me? " I take Natsu from her. "O-Oi . " She then walks away with doctor Moesashi.

I sit down with Natsu on the chair next to me. After a few minutes, Hinata's mom returns with a saddened expression. Daichi and myself follow the doctor into Hinata's room. "Remember, talk in the same tone as you usually do." As he says this he opens the door revealing Hinata. His head is bandaged and he is hooked up to several machines. "Also, don't be afraid to ask questions." Doctor Moesashi says, as he closes in the door.

Daichi and myself slowly walk up to Hinata. "W-What's happening inside of him right now?" Daichi says. " He can be thinking of things like titanic battles, Great love stories,Memories, Spiritual connections, or he can be trying to connect to the outer world. These are the most common things coma patients think of." the doctor responds. "Guys, talk to him." Doctor Moesashi insists.

"Hey Hinata.." Daichi says. No response from Hinata. "You have to pretend that he answers until he can again." The doctor says. How do I usually greet Hinata? "Yo. Dumbass." I say. The doctor and Daichi jump at the hardness of my words. "D-don'the be afraid to touch him. People like this usually like human contact." The doctor says. "People like this? What the hell do you mean by that? " I yell. "I don't mean anything by it... I just mean people in comas. " Doctor Moesashi states.

"...Sorry." I mumble. I grab Hinata's hand. "Are you okay in there?" I ask. ... I turn to the doctor and ask, "How can I tell if he's okay?" Doctor Moesashi replies saying, "There's no exact way... but if you ever see him crying or clenching his muscles, etcetera, don't jump to conclusions, he could be doing those movements for anything, whether it be happiness or sadness or pain or whatever else it may be, as long as he doesn't say that he is in pain, we can't assume anything."

"Mm, okay." I say. Daichi holds onto Hinata's other hand. "Please be okay." I whisper. "...On the Glasgow coma scale he scored a 3." The doctor says. "Is that good or bad? " Daichi asks. "It's the lowest score. Meaning that his eyes don't open, he doesn't make any sounds, and he has no motor response. The deeper levels of coma are not necessarily linked to a lower chance of recovery, so don't worry too much."

After a while of being unsuccessful with talking to Hinata, we leave and Coach Ukai and Kiyoko enter. Since it's late, I fall asleep again on the uncomfortable hospital chair...

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