Just Another Chance - Lloyd

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Power: Illusions


Everything was doing fine in your day, but he had to show up. The guy who just shattered your heart to bits and pieces. The guy who left you to die. Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. The green fucking ninja had to show up in school. Yes, you read that right Lloyd was your past boyfriend.

"Okay class we have a special guess today!" Ma'am T/N (teachers name) said.
"Oh! Who is it Ma'am?" B/F/N asks rather excited.
"The green ninja will be visitng today!" She says.
"Th-The green ninja?" You choke out.
"Yup! Our class is up next for him to visit!" Ma'am says.

Your heart just shattered. Your ex-boyfriend was visiting your school, and your class was up next. It was just a few seconds then he came in. He still had the same blonde hair, and electric green eyes. His eyes land on the teacher then on you. He seems rather hurt on the sight of you. He must regret what he'd done.

"Y/N," he whispers quite loudly.
"What was that Lloyd?" The teacher asks.
"Uhh nothing miss," he says.
"Ma'am may I go to the comfort room?" You ask.
"Huh? Sure Y/N," she says nodding her head.

With her approval, you quickly ran out of the room, and slightly bumping into Lloyd. He looks at you for a moment and seems to word out something, but you didn't care. You just wanted to escape.


You enter the comfort room and just cry. You burst into tears on the tiled floor. Why did he have to come here? Why did he have to visit? You just wanted to die right now. Seeing him was the last thing you wanted to do. You remembered when he asked you out. When he gave you flowers, and when he left you. When he told you weren't good enough for him. Whe he told you weren't the right one.

"I'm such an idiot! Why did I trust him with my feelings?!" You say to no one in particular.
"Y/N!" A seemingly familiar voice says.

You look up and find this really familiar girl. Brown eyes, a short bob, and a red dress. It can't be. It was your friend when you were dating Lloyd. The girl who kept you company.

"Nya?" You say.
"Oh Y/N! I've missed you so much!" She says hugging you.
You giggle, "Me too."
"Are you and Lloyd still together?" She asks.
"The-They haven't told you?" You say tears forming in your eyes.
"Told me what?" She says still very confused.
"W-We broke up last month," you say.
"What?! Y/N why didn't you tell me?" Concern staining her voice.
"I-I-I couldn't. I was just so heartbroken, and I attempted to kill myself," you manage to choke out.

You remember the nught he said those hurtful words to you. 'You aren't good enough.' 'You're just not the one for me.' It stinged so much you just couldn't take it. You wanted to die right there. You attempted to overdose on pills, but your parents rushed you to the hospital in time.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry," is all she can say.
"It's alright. I have to head to class. Oh wait is Cole with you?" You ask.
"Oh you miss your brother?" She teases.
"Well duh woman! Tell him to meet me at the field, please?" You request making those puppeh eyes.
"Alright," she giggles.

You exit the comfort room and take a deep breath. Just 45 minutes with him and you are good to go. You walk to your classroom and enter it. Lloyd stares at you for a moment before returning back to whatever the hell they were doing. You look over to E/N, and she is batting her eyelashes like a mad woman, but Lloyd doesn't seem to care about that stupid bitch. What are you looking at?

"I'm still mad at him for what he did to you," B/F/N growls.
"You still haven't moved on?" You tease.
"Well duh! He broke your heart, and I wanna break his face," she says.
"为 什么?" You ask.
"He broke your heart!" She says almost teasingly.
"Is it necessary to break his face?" You ask.
"Um yeah!" She jokes.

You roll your eyes at you goofball for a friend. She is very very funny. You look at Lloyd for a brief moment, and can't seem to let go of the past. Ugh, stop it Y/N. He let go of you. You should let go of him. Those memories of him and you seemed to fade away. (Eheheeh song reference) The time he bought you cookies. The time of your first date. Eveything just seemed to vanish.

--40 minutes later--

"Okay class! Lloyd will be going now, and you are dismissed!" Ma'am says.
"Goodbye and thank you Ma'am T/N," the class says.

You exit the room, and head to the field, but look who decided to show up. You guessed it! Ex-boyfriend Lloyd Garmadon showed up! The guy who broke up with you! Yay! Where the hell is the confetti I ordered Casey?! Where is it?!

"Y/N! Wait!" Lloyd says.
"What do you want?!" You shout.
"Look I'm sorry for what I did!" He says.
"That's what they all say, but sorry isn't going to cut it!" You say tears streaming down your face.
"Y/N," is all he could say.
"I attempted to kill myself, Lloyd! Your words hurt me like a King Cobra's venom!" You say.
"Y/N, just give me another chance. Please?" He pleads.
"No Lloyd. You broke my heart once, and I won't let it happen again," you say.

With that you leave him be, and head to the field. Deep down though you did want to give him another chance. Another chance to be with him, hug him, kiss him, and spend time with him. Sometimes you just wanted to bring the past back, but all you could do was make illusions of the past.
Woah! That has to be he most dramatic chapter I have ever written! Dang woman!

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