Chapter One: A stranger's come to get me!

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Chapter One


July 20, 2010 (Present)

                For some reason, she thought she was alone in her room that day. She knew of this fact because as soon as she entered it, she immediately turned the lock on the door behind her. Of course, she had the room to herself for only mere seconds.  She was such a fool to think for even one second that he wouldn’t be able to follow her inside. The blasted windows were wide open and even a man as huge as him could fit through. Wherever she went, she was never safe. There would always be harm waiting to pounce on her as long as he keeps his trail on her.

She was so disgusted when she sensed his presence. The air from outside made his musky scent evident and her nostrils flared as the memories of that night came rushing back. It took her one sniff of his scent and she was dragged back to that night. Once again, the blackouts prevailed over her memory despite the resistance she put up. She instantly fell asleep on her bed, not noticing her roommate fast asleep in the adjoining bed.

August 1, 2008

 “Do not move, my sweet Annelise. Hush now, I won’t hurt you. I promise I won’t if you…” His face was inches from Annelise’s and his body was splayed on top of her. She could feel the wet grass underneath her thin dress. His hard features were weighing down on her and it was hard for her to breathe.

“Please, I can’t breathe. You’re cutting off my air. Please get off me.” The poor girl whined as she pushed her frail little hands on his hard chest. “Get off me, please I beg you. I have never done any harm to you, why would you choose me, of all people? Please. I am all that’s left of my mother.  Don’t take me away from her.”

Uncontrollable sobs erupted from her throat. She was always strong, but this time it was like a huge dam broke and her emotions were suddenly flowing nonstop.

There was something about this man that made her feel like this. One touch from him and it sent shivers up and down her spine. A small contact with her bare skin and it was like sudden flames bursting in every inch of her body. It was ecstasy in hell. She felt good but at the same time, it made her skin crawl with disdain. 

Suddenly, those blue eyes inched closer to hers and his lips were on her trembling ones. As soon as their lips made contact, another shockwave registered in her frail body. She stopped squirming and let him take over. He pressed a couple of small kisses on her lips then to her demise, he pulled away from her for a moment.

                “See my sweetest flower. I’m not so bad after all, am I now? I know how much you want me. Your lips are saying yes.”  The glimmer in his eyes was so languid; she could only stare at him with silence.

She was mumbling something but he couldn’t make out her words clearly. The heavy pour of the rain was beginning to get a little deafening and the thunder up ahead was not making it any easier too.

“What was it Annelise? What did you say? Have you lost your spunk now? Are you getting tired of resisting me?” He buried his face under her drenched locks of hair. His lips were slowly nuzzling their way to her right ear as he whispered. His breath was ticklish, and she couldn’t deny that it was turning her on.  

How could I be aroused at a time like this??? My mom is bleeding to death back in our house. I need to go save her. She pointlessly thought.

If only I could trick him into releasing me and mom! I need to find a way to get rid of him even if it’s just one night. Mother doesn’t need to get involved with my mistakes. Numerous thoughts kept racing in her mind as she desperately thought of a way out.

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