"I'll let you know if something is making me uncomfortable. Don't worry. I'm vocal."

"Oh I'm sure you are," Magnus cackled as Alec glared at him. "I'm kidding! Why so serious, Pretty Boy?"

Alec started his car and clicked on his seatbelt. "I've got a job to do. That's why I'm so serious."

They pulled out of the empty lot and drove straight to the church where Alec was dumped and left for dead. The church still looked creepy as ever, quite possibly even more creepy due to the fact more windows were broken and the front entrance was open.

"I got a bad feeling about this...." Alec whispered. "Can't they reschedule at a later date? Preferably during the daytime when it doesn't look so dark and creepy?"

"Since when were you afraid of the dark? I thought you were big and strong and brave," Magnus got out of the car, his foot crunching down on an empty beer can.

"Not until recently when I was beat up and left here for the rats to nibble on. I was in and out of unconsciousness. I....saw things," Alec cleared his throat. "Who's meeting us?"

Magnus shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."

They waited for several minutes in silence, listening to cars passing on the road and to stray cats fighting in the alleyway just behind them. No one else seemed to be around aside from a homeless man walking along with a cart.

"Maybe it was a trick? To see if we'd actually show up?" Alec asked.

"No. This isn't a trick. It's a test."

".....a test? Of what? How long we can stand here before we lose our patience?"

"Close. It's a test to see if you're willing to stay as long as it takes in order to get the information you need."

Alec and Magnus jumped at the voice, Alec taking out his gun and taking aim. Behind them, in the entranceway leading into the church, stood a tall man with damp dark hair and a trench coat that fell just short of his ankles. He wore fingerless gloves and carried a cane in front of him as he walked towards Alec and Magnus. As he drew nearer, Alec could see his eyes were a dark brown. He seemed to be a bit older; in his early or mid 40's.

"Magnus Bane. I didn't know you were working with the police now. How times have changed," the man smirked. He had an English accent.

"Ragnor Fell. I should've known. What kind of shit did you get yourself mixed up with this time?" Magnus eyed Ragnor. "Is that my coat you're wearing? It's missing a button-that's my coat!"

Ragnor looked down at the coat. "Ah. Yes, I suppose it is. I borrowed it-"

"You stole it, you lying bastard."

"Stole it? Not a term I'd use but fine. Whatever makes you happy." He turned to look at Alec. "Who's this lad? Don't think we've met before."

"We haven't. I'm Alec. Detective Alec Lightwood," Alec shook Ragnor's hand, trying to ignore how dirty and greasy it felt. "Are you the one who sent the text to met us here?"

"Good gracious, no. I avoid cellphones and most technology. It all gives you cancer at the end of the day. Besides. We have people to all that stuff," Ragnor tapped his cane against his forehead. "You look oddly familiar, Detective Lightwood. Are you sure we haven't met before?"

Alec shrugged. "Maybe I arrested you once? Your file said you're known for-"

"I know what my files say. I was there. But has it ever occurred to you that perhaps I was drunk for a reason?"

"You-what? Huh?" Alec scratched his stubble and groaned. "Listen. We don't have time to be confused right now. One of your contacts said you'd have information about Valentine and the-"

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now