"The Night of Our Lives"║ LeeSakura "Friendship" One-shot

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Sorry for any grammar/ spelling mistakes. This was a request from Quizilla. I know it sucks, but feel free to repeat that in the comments section :P First ever oneshot! Later, anime lovers!

WARNING: Slight SasuSaku (also part of the request) I apologize if this offends anyone. I don't mean any offense. 

Original Post: http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/22713999/leesaku-friendship-one-shot


“Sakura-chan my lovely!” A teenage boy dressed in green clothing scurried towards a pink haired girl with an evergrowing headache.

“What is it, Lee?” she asked, rubbing her temples.

“Sakura-chan! I am here to ask you a very important question!”

“Which is?” Sakura clamped a hand over her mouth immediately after speaking. The signs of a “Lee Episode” were present.

For one, Lee had a rose in his hand. Knowing him, that wasn’t good. Two, and probably the biggest of all: It was Prom season.

“Sakura-chan!” Lee declared, loud enough to make everyone turn their heads, all attention on the two,

“L-Lee!” Sakura whispered to the boy who was now lowering himself to one knee, “Now’s not the time!”

“Nonsense, my dear blossom!” Lee cleared his throat, sticking out his hand with the rose,

‘Oh boy…’

“Ms. Sakura Haruno,” Lee announced, “Would you accompany me to the Konoha High Prom?”

There were a few snickers from the crowd as Sakura blushed in embarrassment. Yes, she’ll admit, Lee was a great guy. And any girl would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend. But… He was just so… Not her type.

She and Sasuke had been pretty exclusive for a while, both of them not sure how their peers would react. They were the perfect couple, yet it might anger a few fangirls and just make things difficult. She wasn’t ready to have a stampede of sharp manicured nails clawing out her eyes just yet, so she went with the alternative.

“Lee,” she answered, “I wouldn’t go with you, unless you were the last man available.” A few more kids snickered, some chuckling. Lee looked up at her with pained eyes,

“B-But… Sakura-chan.”

“I’ll see you around.” She turned on her heel, heading towards the opposite direction. The crowd dispersed, whispering and laughing about the whole scene that had just unfolded. A few guys bumped into Lee, knocking him out the ground. They snickered and high-fived, walking away.

Lee was devastated.

'What’s wrong with me?’ he asked in his head, ‘Why can’t I get a girl like Sakura to notice me?’ He trudged off, head down, trying not to think of anything. But he stopped in his tracks suddenly, a certain idea striking his mind,

“Lee,” she had answered, “I wouldn’t go with you, unless you were the last man available.” Lee lifted his head slowly, having a little ‘Light-Bulb’ moment,“unless you were the...”

“Last man available.” Lee muttered to himself. He whipped his head from side to side, noticing all the couples. He smiled to himself, “Soon,” he said to himself, “Sakura-chan will be mine!”


“W-What do you mean you can’t go?” Sasuke sighed, leaning up from his spot against the wall,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2012 ⏰

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