124. You get into a fight with another girl (Cake)

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Calum: {14}

You were just walking along the street when a fan saw you. You were minding your own business when she blocked you from going anywhere

"Excuse me" You say politely and went to walk around but she blocked you

"Miss I need to get home" You said yet again politely not hearing the paps camera

"Leave Calum alone. He doesn't want a girl like you around him, adopted sister or not" She said and pushed you but you didn't do anything

"That's fine. Can I get home now?" You asked and she pushed you again. You let out a breath as she started to talk trash about you

"Miss, please you're like what, seventeen picking on a fourteen year old. Please let me pass" You say and she pushes you one more time. You had enough and popped off.

A guy pulled you off of her and you pushed him off and walked home. You were all on social media but the good fans were on your side since there were videos of the fan repeatedly harassing you. Calum wasn't too happy with fans but tried not to be harsh in the tweets he sent out about you but he made it very clear to not mess with you.

Luke: {17}

You were currently being harassed by a girl claiming that you were talking bad about her when you didn't. You remained calm till she put her hands on you. You were the quiet type around other people but your CLOSEST friends and you were into the fighting business until someone put their hands on either Luke or you.


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