71. You pass out (Muke)

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Michael: {9}

You had to stay with Michael all day. You went to interviews, promos, and the studio. You haven't eaten all day but you weren't hungry...well you were a little but you could tell Michael didn't need anything else to worry about so you didn't tell him or any one of the boys.  You were in the room waiting for Michael to record a part when you weren't feeling to good. You stood up to go get some water but fell straight to the ground and past out. The boys saw the whole thing and rushed to your side. Calum and Luke started to fan you and Ashton went to go get help. Michael finished and saw you on the ground and rushed to your side.

"What happened?" He asked

"I-I don't know, she just stood up, then past out" Luke said and Ashton came back with some helped

The boys had to back up while they watched you stir. You opened your eyes and see the paramedic group surround you. They slowly let you sit up and gave you something to eat and drink. A paramedic said they you past out due to lack of food and hydration then left. You finished drinking your water when Michael sat down and hugged you along with the boys

"Please don't ever do that again" Michael said

"But you were busy"

"I don't care, if you're hungry or thirsty tell me or the boys if I'm not available" He said and you nod

"I'm sorry Mikey" You say quietly

"It's okay"

Luke: {19}

You were walking with Luke and Calum through the airport. Right now you were surrounded by paparazzi and fans. Lights were flashing, people were screaming and bodies were being pushed. You were told by Luke to look down so the flashes wouldn't get to you since you weren't used to it but you had to look up. You had Luke on your left and Calum on your right. You were getting light-headed from the flashing lights and felt like you were going to pass out.

"Luke I feel light headed" You say but he couldn't hear you from the screams. You were about to address him again but your body gave out and right before you could hit the ground Calum caught you.

"Take her things" He told Luke as he picked you up.

"Back up, give us space" Luke said and they quickly moved seeing you. Once you got to the car, you woke up and looked around. You looked over and saw Calum closing the door.

"Did I pass out?" You asked

"Yep" They said at once

"Sorry" You mutter

"It's fine, the flashing light got to you" Luke said and drove off

It is 4:30am...2 days till my birthday!!

5sos Interracial BSM PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora