Deleted Chapter + Apology

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Hello everyone,

This chapter should not have been written. When I wrote this I didn't realize how severe it was for that word to be said by non-black people. Growing up and actually seeing the world for how it is and seeing the events that have happened and are still happening I would like to apologize sincerely for this. This chapter showed my ignorance to the issue and I would like to address it and apologize for it. When I see people voting for my chapters I was caught off guard by the title and it has not sat right with me. I had honestly forgot what I wrote since I no longer listen to 5sos and I honestly forgot about my chapters unless I see the chapter titles but this one stood out when I saw that someone voted on it. This chapter is unacceptable and should not have been written like I stated before. I hope you all can accept my apology and if you don't I completely understand.

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