70. Another boy defends/helps you while you're on tour

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Ashton: {15}

You were walking outside to go to a café. You were just a head of Michael who decided to come with you. You weren't paying a attention when a fan threw something at you making you trip. You hurt your ankle and sniffed.

"I got ya" Michael said and scooped you and carried you to the car. He closed the door and walked over to the fan

"Please don't throw things. You're not in trouble just don't throw." He said politely

"Okay, I'm sorry" She said and he gave her a slight hug before coming back to the car

"Okay, to the café we go" He smiled

Calum: {17}

You were walking with Luke when you heard a dog whistle. You roll your eyes and keep walking.

"Here tootsie tootsie tootsie" He called and you kept ignoring him

"I know you hear me girl" He said and you had enough

"I'm not a dog" You say and keep going

"Girl come here"

"She's not coming! Leave her alone!" Luke yelled. His voice surprisingly got a little deeper scaring both you and the guy from the out burst

"Alright, fine, fine"

Michael: {18} (I made that on polyvore)

Michael: {18} (I made that on polyvore)

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(Your outfit)

Ashton was watching you while Michael and the others had something to do. You both went to the movies and saw Finding Dory (Such a good movie!) You came out and saw a lot of paparazzi there. You put your glasses on and continued to walk beside Ashton. You felt a tap and looked back.

"Who did it?" You asked

"It looked good in them jeans" A guy said

"Don't you dare touch her like that again do you hear me. That's no way to get a woman's attention and you should never touch her like that again. Leave her be, she just wants a walk through the city, so leave her be" Ashton said while you stood behind him

"Ashton stop acting like a brother. That's Michael's job, and he's not even her brother" The rude pap said

"Stop acting like a douche" Ashton said and you felt tears coming. You tug on Ashton's shirt lightly

"C'mon" You say extremely hurt

"Ashton we're sorry" Another pap said and Ashton put his arm around your shoulder and started to walk. You sniff, trying to keep the tears in.

"Thanks Ashton" You whimper

"Anything for you" He said and walked you back to the hotel

Luke: {12}

You were at the park with Calum. He was teaching you how to play football (Soccer). You kicked the ball accidentally over to a group of boys. You were always awkward around boys except your brother and his friends. Calum went to go get the ball. The boys seemed extremely nice to Calum, possibly since he towered over them.

"Try again" Calum said and kicked the ball lightly to you.

"But Calum I'm not good" You pout

"Just try one more time, I promise this one will make it" He said and you backed up and the ran and kicked the  ball. But at the wrong time a kid decided to run in front and get hit in the head

"Hey watch it!" He yelled and you shrunk down

"I'm sorry"

"Hey kid, run along she already feels bad" Calum said and the boy was about to say something to him until he saw Calum

"O-okay" He said and ran off

"Thanks Calum" You say and he smiles

"You would have made it" He says and takes you back to the room

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