Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Later that night Kyle takes me home and I realize my moms car is gone, meaning she's probably working or something.

Kyle walks me up to my porch and my dad was sitting on our swing. "Well hello Alpha. What can I do for you?" My dad says kindly, but I know he's faking.

"Nothing. Just bring Beth home" Kyle says grabbing my hand and squeezing.

I smile and my dad frowns "Oh really?"

"Yes. Today Beth turned eighteen and we found out that we are mates" Kyle says proudly "But I really must be going. I have some work to do at the office. I'll see you around?"

"Yes indeed alpha" my dad says nodding his head and going inside.

"Good night my love" Kyle says before kissing my forehead and leaving.

I can hear my wolf starting to whimper knowing what my dad will do to us. I shakily walk into my house, and take my boots off.

I go to head towards the stairs but I hear my dad clear his throat behind me. "Where do you think your going missy?" He grumbles setting his glass of vodka down.

"I- I'm going to bed. I'm tired and-" I stutter before looking down at my hands.

"Come here" My dad growls.

"But dad. I'm really tired and I -"

He cuts me off "Come here now. Or else"

I slowly walk over to my dad and he grab a fist full of my hair. "So you found your mate now? Huh? You think now you are safe? Your not. You killed your brother. You a worthless piece of shit daughter and will be a worthless mate too" My dad spits before punching me in the ribs, making one or two crack, causing me to cry out in pain.

"Your nothing" he growls, while punching me again. I cry out and that causes him to laugh and slap me across the face "You don't deserve an alpha mate. You don't deserve to be happy."

By now several ribs are broke and my side is surely bruised, and tears are screaming down my face.

My dad lets go of my hair causing me to collapse on the group in a lump of tears and bruises.

"Now get out of my face you bitch" He screams before kicking me one last time and storming off.

I pick myself up and go into my bedroom. I lock my door and curl into a ball the best I can, and fall asleep, in pain.

My wolf whimpers and starts howling.

And that's when I feel myself being pulled from my bed.

Muted Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें