Increasing Inferno: II

Start from the beginning


When my eyes finally fluttered open, I found myself in the nures's office again. "This is becoming quite a common occurrence with you, Delilah. Only a while ago, you were here before," the smiling nurse spoke with amusement laced in her voice. "Tell me about it," I groaned as I swung my legs off the bed, "What exactly happened though?" 

The Nurse replied to my question immediately and quite clinically. "You slipped and hit the back of your head on one of the lockers," she drawled out, "Thankfully, Nyle was close by and so he bought you here. You should have gotten a concussion, but from your reports there's none." She frowned and her eyes widened suddenly. "You know what," she continued, "I think you're perfect now. Just a minor fallback in your days schedule. Now off you go, school's over. Time for you to go." She shooed me out of her office and before I even got to ask her a question, she'd slammed the door in my face.

Maybe she should get herself checked up.

I trudged to the cafeteria, confused as heck. I mean, sure, I do remember everything that happened before I blacked out but it's just...that dream. And it's not as if that was the only thing, so many strange things seem to have been happening to me. The vision/ dream thing I'd just had now had just shaken my thoughts again; I'd been called 'Valentina' by the lady I had considered as my mum in my vision and by that ghost called Giselle, in my out of body experience.

As I pushed open the door to leave school, I shoved away all thoughts from my mind. I'd look into the prospect behind the dream later; for now, I'd concentrate a little more on Nyle, and why I had this edgy feeling that everything was happening 'cause of him, and 'cause of my feelings towards him.

I found Nyle sitting in one of the benches that faced the parking lot, tapping his fingers on his pants as he stared at absolutely nothing. I figured he knew I was there already; in the short time I'd come to know him, I realized he was more alert than he let on. 

"Hey," I said calling out to him, "Why're you still here?" Nyle's gaze snapped towards mine and my heart did a teeny dance in my chest. "I thought I would wait back since we are both headed in the same direction and was worried about you," Nyle explained and my heart threatened to swell out of my chest, "How are you feeling anyway?" I looked away from him when I replied; it was too hard to concentrate when he was looking at me."I'm great, just a potential minor concussion prospect that was tossed aside by the nurse," I replied, "Uh, thanks for taking me to the nurse's."

I couldn't help but turn my gaze towards Nyle's . I regretted doing it instantly.  Nyle's fiery eyes had my heart palpating and my palms sweating. "It was my ut-" he stopped mid-sentence and cleared his throat before continuing, "I mean, no problem." I wanted to talk to Nyle about the kiss and all the feelings that pulsed through me when he was near me, but I couldn't;  which was weird considering the fact that I'm actually quite straightforward when it comes to crap. I pushed aside all my sappy feelings towards the guy and snapped back to being me.

"Nyle," I spoke with newfound determination, "why the heck did you kiss me?" Nyle glanced at me and I caught the impish spark grow in his eyes, "For the very reason that you kissed me right back." It was slightly strange that the atmosphere could switch from awkward to tense, so fast.

My eyes widened and my lips parted in shock. I get it that it was wrong for me to kiss him back with equally as much as ferocity as he had kissed me with, if not more, but he didn't have to rub it in my face even though I guess I would have done the same thing. 

"Tell me, Delilah," Nyle spoke as he stared me in my eyes, the way he said my name had butterflies erupting in my stomach, "why did you kiss me back if you find me so aggravating?" I tore my gaze away from him and swallowed down the lump in my throat. I liked formal Nyle better. This Nyle was too distracting. "Shut up, Nyle-"

"No, answer me."

"Don't tell me what-"


"I won'-"

"Delilah." Damn, he had to say my name. Cue the butterflies.

"You listen to me-"

"No!" Nyle shouted, shooting up from his position on the bench, "For once in your life, listen to someone else. Heed to me, your mate. I am aware of your dire past, of the despicable father who has turned your tongue into a deathly contraction, and has spawned a scar that you believed has engraved a dent between you and others. But you need to no longer barricade yourself to emotions and feelings that come with being human, or being a living being.There's no need to uphold such a pretense," his voice had begun to grow softer, more calming, "Sprinting away from the person you are to become is utterly futile; such a metamorphosis is ineluctable. Allow me to aid you." 

I looked up to him with bewilderment. It was like his thoughts had burst free from his mind and wrapped around me, they spun around me as a pregnant pause floated between us. But the one word I was fixating on was, 'mate'; he'd called me his mate, he'd insinuated that he knew about my father, my past. Bits of my dream which had held him, had trickled into reality. His accent had grown much stronger, and the words he used were just as complex as the ones he used in my dreams. "Nyle," I called out, trying to ignore the way his intense gaze caused for my mind to spin, my thoughts to almost scatter away; my heart to beat uncontrollably, and my insides to feel like mesh, "You called me your mate." 

Nyle froze. "What?" he repeated, gazing anywhere but at me, "Like what Australian people say?" He was talking normally again, his accent had decreased in its thickness too. People say mate all the time, it probably didn't mean anything. But from the look that swirled in Nyle's fiery eyes, I knew it was anything but.

I narrowed my eyes and was about to tell him off, when his phone rang and cut through our conversation. Nyle threw me an apology before pulling out his phone, and speaking into it. "Uh, I have to go," he informed me quickly, murmuring something else about having to take care of some stuff before he disappeared completely.

What was the point of waiting for me now, eh? 

I hailed a cab, and slid into it, my thoughts still revolving around what I had witnessed. Every single event that had taken place in my life after the supposed 'car crash' came slamming back into my head. I fixated on one certain event since all of them were quite overwhelming to think about: the out of body experience dream. 

I remembered something about the dream, that would prove whether or not I was crazy; whether I was becoming schizophranic or not. 

I tossed a couple of notes to the cab driver before racing into the hotel and towards my suite. Once I got into my room, I threw my bag on the side and found exactly what I was looking for. I flipped through the pages and gasped when I saw the words written.

I wasn't crazy. Everything that was happening was real. 

And the following note proved that to me:

'I'm real :)

Proof enough?


AIM; 25 VOTES (quicker this time, guys; it took more than two months for the last chapter to achieve the aim :( ) 

Author's Note:

Not very happy with this chapter, just saying.

Well, what'd ya know. Delilah finally figured it out. Thank god, that was taking forever, wasn't it? ;) This is where the real action begins. Can't wait to write the next bit! I'm on vacation, but made sure to update this. I owe that to you. Don't forget to vote, comment and fan!

Lot's of love,


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