35. Back To School

Start from the beginning

"I swear, the only reason I'm coming back is Quidditch," Ginny says, "if we'll even be allowed to pla-"

The door flies open and we all jump. Draco gives me a murderous look.

"I'll see you later," I mutter, walking out and closing the door. Draco stalks off and I follow him. Once the door to our compartment is closed he turns to face me.


"Don't start," I interrupt, "if you don't want me to hang around with them, then don't be so moody and boring."

Draco's mouth falls open.

"Draco, I love you, but you're not my father," I tell him, "I know in your family, what your dad said was law, no questions asked, but that's not how this is going to go. I know that I can't act too friendly with them, I know, so don't treat me like a child."

I reach over and close Draco's mouth, then give him a quick kiss.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, "the trolley will be coming soon."


After lunch I curl up to have a nap, my head on Draco's legs. I shift around, trying to get comfortable.

"I wonder who got Head Boy and Girl," I yawn.

"I got Head Boy," Draco says quietly. I roll onto my back to look at him.

"Shouldn't you have been talking with the new prefects?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I'll do that tomorrow."

"Well, congratulations," I smile, touching his face. He presses his cheek into my hand. I roll back onto my side.

"I hope Pansy didn't get Head Girl," I mutter.

"We'll know soon enough," Draco says. I frown and roll the other way so I can hide my face in his stomach.

"Just remember we're married," I warn him. He laughs.

"Believe me, I have no interest in her," he says, taking my ponytail out and running his fingers through my hair.

"Good," I murmur to his stomach.


"Wake up."

"Shut up."

"Autumn," Draco laughs, "we're nearly there, we have to get into our robes."

"Don't get bossy with me, Head Boy," I say, sitting up and stretching. Draco smirks at me as he lifts my trunk down.

"Don't make me put you on detention," he says with a wink. I giggle and pull my robes on. I pull my hair back into a pony tail.

"How do I look?" Draco asks, puffing his chest out, so his Head Boy badge is thrust forward. I laugh and lean up to kiss him.

"You look good enough to be my husband," I say, kissing him lightly, "well, almost."

"Almost?" he laughs, "watch it, Malfoy."

I giggle. I'm still not used to being called by my new surname.

The train pulls up to the station and I take Draco's hand. We jump off the train and head towards the carriages. The air is cool and damp. There's a thick layer of mud across the ground. It must've been raining here.

We get into a carriage and are soon joined by the Slytherin boys from our year, who seem vastly more friendly towards me than they have before. There really is something in the name Malfoy. 

We arrive at the castle and I feel a surge of excitement. I've missed this place! If only Hermione and the twins could be here. Although, I suppose the twins wouldn't have been here, anyway. But Hermione could've been. And Harry.

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