"Let's go then, there's a good man waiting for you."



Alina became visible in the arms of her uncle, Matt, in her adorable flower girl dress. Sebastian smiled as he saw her throw small white rose pedals onto the floor for her mother to walk on in a few moments.

Moments before Matt was to sit on Rowan's side of the family with Alina in his arms, Sebastian noticed her hands motion towards him. Matt chuckled at his niece's actions, settling her slightly on the floor and helped her walk towards to where Sebastian was standing.

Kneeling down to match her height, the moment Matt let go of Alina her small hands went on each side of her father's face, placing a small kiss on his forehead. As if he hadn't been fighting off the tears already, Sebastian wiped his eyes after his daughter's actions.

"Now, what was that for?" Alina smiled so big and giggled at Sebastian's question, clasping her small hands together again.

"I-I-I l-love you P-P-Papa." Giving his daughter a slight kiss on her forehead, Sebastian watched his soon to be brother-in-law guide Alina back to her seat with a smile on his face.

Noticing the sudden movement of everyone in the audience arise and turn towards the door, Sebastian knew it was finally here.

All his efforts of not wanting to cry failed the moment his eyes laid upon Rowan. He felt Chris and Mackie pat him in the back as Rowan was being walked down the aisle by her father. Sebastian just couldn't believe how astonishingly beautiful she looked. Sure, he thought she always looked beautiful, but seeing her in her dress was a totally different thing.

Finally arriving in front of each other, Rowan turned to her side to embrace her father one last time. Planting a kiss on her forehead, Bruce held out Rowan's hand and placed it upon Sebastian's.

After helping her up the small steps, Sebastian met with his future father-in-law's hand, shaking it. Despite how happy he felt at having Rowan stand beside him, Sebastian could feel the mixed emotions Bruce was feeling. He could not imagine how he'd feel the day he would be walking Alina down the aisle.

"Take care of my little girl, I think you know how much of an amazing woman she is." Glancing over to Rowan, Sebastian noticed Rowan shed a few tears with a small smile on her lips at her father's words.

"Right here and in front of everyone we love, I promise you I always will." Nodding his head slightly at Sebastian's words, Rowan mounted an "I love you, Dad" right before he began to walk over to his seat beside Matthew and Ava. Right when he sat down, Bruce smiled at feeling his youngest daughter lay her head on his shoulder, who attempted to comfort her father.

As the ceremony went on, Sebastian found himself zoning out as he kept looking over at Rowan, who was giving the priest before them her entire attention, and admiring just how beautiful she looked.

"Now, it's time for the bride and groom to say their vows to each other." Looking right at each other, Rowan couldn't help but laugh in attempts to not cry again as Sebastian waited on her words.

"I, Rowan, take you, Sebastian, to be my husband. I promise to always be your biggest fan and your partner in crime. Because that's what we've been since the moment we met that one day on set. I vow to always leave at least a spoonful of our favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream for you because it'll always remind me of our first kiss. I promise that if you're ever away doing press tours and I'm watching a new show, I'll hold off on watching the next episode until we can watch it together. I vow to grow as a parent by your side to our daughter and the ones to come. I vow to fight for us and our family, against anyone or anything. Today feels like the start of a new journey, but I already belong to you. It feels like we're finally going home." Covering her mouth after her vows to hold back sniffles, Rowan let out a small chuckle to not seem like she was crying even though they were of joy.

"Today's the day my life begins. All my life it's just been me, from Romania all the way to New York. I've always just been a smart mouthed kid. Everyone blames Chris or Mackie for that, but the truth is I'm probably the biggest influence of that. I never thought it'd change, you know. Or that I'd ever find someone just as smart mouthed and stubborn as myself. Well, that was until I met you.
Today, I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. I become accountable to our family and the children that are yet to come. Today I become accountable to you and our future. To all the possibilities that our marriage has to offer. Together no matter what happens. I'll be ready for anything, for everything. To take on life. To take on love. To take on the media.
Today, Rowan Maria Cruz, our life sworn together begins, and I for one can't wait, because I'm a fool for you." Reaching out to wipe the tears from Sebastian's face, he was able to laugh slightly at seeing her shake her head at his last line with a smile on her face.

"Do you, Rowan Cruz, take Sebastian Stan to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Sebastian Stan, take Rowan Cruz to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Smiling at each other like never before, Rowan wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck as she felt him pick her up slightly as their lips met.

Hearing the claps, sniffles, and screams (that were certainly coming from Mackie who was standing right beside the couple, clenching onto Chris) made the now married couple break away and smile as they turn to face the people who they cherished.

Rowan and Sebastian's eyes then immediately went over to where they knew their daughter sat, and knelt down together as Alina walked carefully to where her parents were.

"M-M-Mama! P-P-Papa!" Clapping her hands together in happiness, Sebastian picked Alina up from the floor and brought her in middle of himself and Rowan. There weren't words to explain the happiness they were feeling.

"GIVE IT UP FOR STOWAN, Y'ALL!" Knowing exactly who those words came from, Rowan and Sebastian turned to Mackie who was able to get everyone clapping.

"St-St-Sto-Stowan?" The couple refocused their attention to their daughter, who gave them a confused look as she let out those words. Rowan looked at Sebastian, who shook his head playfully at the fact Alina had just said that.

"Yes, baby. That's me and your mommy. Blame your uncle Mackie."




STOWAN IS MARRIED GUYS WE MADE IT omg that song I attached is so beautiful I heard while writing this I'm so

fools  → sebastian stan [2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora