Bully and Until You Bonus Conversations

Start from the beginning

Jax: It's cute. It's kind of pink, but it's cute.

K.C.: At least, my clothes are clean. Your jeans have grease stains everywhere.

Jax: It's not how clean they are. It's what's inside that matters.

K.C.: Why do always do that?

Jax: What?

K.C.: Make everything sexual. Do you actually have a personality in there somewhere? Something else to offer a girl besides dumb jokes?

Jax: *narrows eyes* Like you'd even care to find out.

K.C.: Maybe if you stopped looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

Jax: Maybe if you stopped looking down at me like you knew I was wearing Jared's second-hand clothes.

K.C.: I don't look at you that way.

Jax: Then why are you so fucking mean?

K.C.: I...I don't mean...*sighs

Jax: *approaches K.C. *backs her into the wall *hovers

K.C.: *looks up at him

Jax: Because there's nothing scarier to you than me, right? Not even your heels?


Jax and K.C. in class...

K.C.: The conditions brought on by the revolution happening at the time...

Jax: Les Mis does not take place during the French Revolution. It's about the legacy of the revolution and a small Parisian insurrection 40 years later. Did you actually read the book?

K.C.: *grits teeth* Why is he even in this class, Miss Penley? He's still a junior.

Jax: Why are you in this class? The texts are clearly too challenging.

K.C.: Are you still talking?

Penley: Okay, stop it. Both of you. Jax, stop interrupting her.




K.C.: Yeah, I forgot what I was saying, so...

Jax: *smirking

K.C.: Stop smiling.

Jax: I'm not.

K.C.: I can feel it.

Jax: Can you? How do I feel?

Class: *laughing

K.C.: Jerk.

Jax: *leans forward, whispers in her ear* Would you like to really find out?


Jared and Tate in his car, making out in front of their houses...

Jared: Sometimes I wish we were still 12.

Tate: Why?

Jared: I could sleep in your room at night without getting my ass kicked.

Tate: Aw...*leans in, kisses his neck* But there are perks that come with maturity. You might not get to sleep over anymore, but we do make up for it with so many more fun things.

Jared: *snort* That's not all I care about, you know?

Tate: *arches brow

Jared: Hey, I like getting you naked, but I don't need that every day.

Tate: *cocks head, stares

Jared: You trying to piss me off?! *tickles Tate

Tate: *laughing* STOP! You're so impatient. We have a room at Madoc's. We get plenty of quality time.

Jared: It's not about quality time, sex, or conversations....it's just about having you close.

Tate: ...

Jared: I don't know. I kind of miss you at night, I guess.

Tate: ...

Jared: *leans head back, sighs* Geezus, I suck.

Tate: No, you don't.

Jared: *laughs* You have plans and an ambition. *looks at Tate* And I have you. I hold on to you too tightly.

Tate: *leans forehead into his* And don't ever let me go.

Jared: Never.

Pounding on window....

Tate: Dad!

Mr. Brandt: *opens door* Tate, you've been out here for half an hour. More than enough time to say goodnight.

Tate: *climbs off Jared, scurries out door

Mr. Brandt: Jared, weekday curfew is 10 o'clock. Remember?

Jared: *climbs out car* Mr. Brandt, we were right here. She was safe with me.

Mr. Brandt: *arches brow

Jared: *sighs* You're right. I'm sorry I kept her out late.

Mr. Brandt: I trust you. And I trust my daughter.

Jared: Yes, sir.

Mr. Brandt: I have no doubt that you two love each other very much.

Tate: *blushes, looks away

Jared: *groans

Mr. Brandt: But I'm not stupid. I'm sure you two find time to do whatever it is you do together.

Jared: *closes eyes, seething

Tate: *covering face with hands

Mr. Brandt: I remind both of you that with today's technology, there is absolutely no reason for a woman to find herself accidentally pregnant. You got that? Safety first.

Tate: Dad!!!!

Jared: *breathing hard

Mr. Brandt: I know I won't have any reason to be angry for trusting you, right?

Jared: *glares

Mr. Brandt: I love you, Jared. I think of you as a son.

Jared: *glares

Mr. Brandt: But sometimes I feel a small urge to eat ice cream out of your skull.

Jared: *eyes widen* Yes, sir. Safety first.

Mr. Brandt: Good man.

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