Searching for Survivors

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  Rachel is working on a report at her desk when Kirk runs over to her.

"Sergeant, Springdale Police Department just called. They said that there was a fire at one of your safe houses."

"Please tell me it's not the one the Jenkins is in."

"I'm afraid so, Sergeant."

"Did everyone get out alright?"

"They haven't found anyone yet."

"I've got to get out there," she says, running for the door.

"Guys, Greg Jenkins was in a car accident over on HWY 43," the Captain announces.

"Is he alright, boss?" Jerry asks.

"The EMT's are working on him now."

"Are Abby and the babies with him?" Rachel questions.

"They've only found Greg so far, why?"

"Their safe house caught fire and the firefighters haven't been able to locate anyone."

"I'll notify the rescue team, Rachel, I want you to go to the house, Jerry, Kirk, you two head over to the wreck."

"We're on it, boss."


Jerry and Kirk see the EMT's load Greg in the back of the ambulance when they pull onto the scene. Looking over they notice the front end of Greg's car was completely smashed in.

"How is he doing?" Jerry asks, glancing down at the bloody victim.

"Not well, I'm afraid."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"He's been unconscious the entire time we've been here." The EMT says, quickly closing the ambulance door.

"Jerry, I talked to one of the officers, he said he'd had to be doing at least 45 when he went over the bluff.

"45 on this road, in these conditions?" he asks, looking up at the gray cloudy sky. It's been raining off and on all day making the sharp curvy road more treacherous.

"That's what he said."

"Did they find Abby or the kids?" he asks, quickly looking around.

"They don't believe that anyone else was in the car."

"What happened?"

"From what they can gather, Greg tried to slow down, but the brakes didn't work so he slammed it in first gear and pulled the emergency brake, but that didn't work either."

"Both of the brakes failed?"

"They said it looks like they've been tampered with."

"I bet the fire was purposely set too. I've got to call the Sergeant and tell her what's going on," he says, fishing for his phone.

"I'll call the captain, give him an update."


Rachel pulls up to see the two children crying in the back of the ambulance. She quickly looks around for Abby, but she was nowhere in sight. Frightened, she runs over to the Fire Chief.

"Where's their mother, Where's Abby?" Rachel quickly blurts out as she continues to look around.

"She's over there," he says, pointing to the squad car. Looking over she sees Abby talking to one of the officers.

"Will they be alright?" she asks, looking back towards the crying children.

"They have some smoke inhalation, but thanks to Abby's quick thinking all three of them should be alright."

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