Running Scared

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"What are you working on Jerry," Kirk asks, plopping down at his desk. Jerry has been a part of the police force for over twenty years. Joe saw potential in him and took him under his wing. With Joe's help, Jerry became a detective in a little over three years and a Sergeant in ten. His declining health forced him to step down from the latter position. He didn't want to give up the higher rank, but figures it's better than taking an early retirement.

Kirk worked in the police lab for ten years, Deciding he needed a change of pace, he took the detective exam and now solves cases alongside Jerry.

"I'm looking into Jack Arnold's death."

"Why are you looking into that?"

"Because I think it might have to do with yesterday's vandalism."


"I believe that whoever broke into the house was looking for something that might incriminate him in Jack's death."

"Wouldn't someone else have found it by now?"

"Maybe the last tenants did but were arrested before they had a chance to prove anything. I think I'll go talk to the neighbors see what they can tell me," he says, scooping equipment off of his desk.

"Where's the Sergeant?" Kirk asks, looking around.

"She's in the basement, pulling old case files."

"I bet she really loves being around all those creepy crawlers," snickering he continues.

"I think I'll go help her." Jerry sees the evil look in his partner's eyes as he springs up from his desk.

"Don't you go pissing her off!" he warns.

"I won't," he chuckles, running for the door. Kirk is halfway across the room when he hears his name being called. He reluctantly turns back around.

"Guys, Mrs. Jenkins called, she said that she found a bloody doll hanging from her back door."

"We're on our way, Captain," Jerry says, smiling at Kirk.


Abby is nervously pacing back and forth across the wood floor waiting for the police to arrive.

"What in the world is taking them so long?" Glancing at her watch she realizes it's only been ten minutes since she called. She starts to check on Adam when she hears someone banging on the front door.

"Oh thank god," she says, running to answer it. Abby sees a burning cross in the middle of the lawn as soon as she opens the door. Below that sat a large boulder in the shape of a tombstone. RIP was crudely carved in the middle of the over sized rock. In front of the tombstone sat four scarecrow figures, each dressed as a member of her family.

"I can't take it anymore! I just can't!" she screams, slamming the front door closed. She hears someone knocking on the back door.

"What did they do now?" she sobs, plopping down on the couch. Hearing the pitter-patter of little feet, she looks up to see Lilly running through the hallway.

"Don't answer that," she warns, jumping to her feet.

"But mommy it's the police."

"Berryville PD open up!" She hears a deep voice announce.


"Go play upstairs," Abby instructs, walking towards the entryway.

"Yes mommy," Lilly replies, hopping back up the stairs.

"Is this the doll you called about?" Jerry asks, pointing to the grotesque looking toy swinging in front of them. Seeing the doll, Abby shivers as she turns away.

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