"It's gonna be okay. I promise." He whispered, pecking my head.

"I hope so. I just wanted to go to med school and look where I am now." I chuckled sadly.

"I know. I'm sorry for dragging you into this." He swung our bodies from side to side.

"At least I have you." I leaned up to kiss him swiftly before I rested my forehead against his shoulder. "You are all I've got right now." I whispered.

"I love you, Rei." He kissed my temple before Yoongi interrupted us by clearing his voice from the doorway.

He entered the room, followed by all the hyungs stopping to our side before he spoke in a hushed tone.

"What are we going to do about Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, looking directly at Taehyung.

"We'll find a way to heal him. Please, hyung, don't take him away from me. I'm begging you." Taehyung clutched onto his arms, his voice was at the point of breaking. "He's my only kindred and best friend. I need him." He whispered.

No words could describe how much pain Taehyung felt, seeing his kindred in that state and being able to feel every little heart beat skip and stop from time to time and the anxiety that rushed through him. He wanted to turn him back again to the playful and cocky maknae he used to be and he wouldn't let anyone take that chance from him.

"Alright. But be careful, no one must know about him. Keep him safe and out of sight." Yoongi commanded as Taehyung sighed in relief, almost diving in to hug his hyung but he stopped just in time when Yoongi gave him a wary look. "Now, what about Chanyeol?"

"He's looking for Baekhyun." I said. "He kept shouting through the house that Sehun and a guy named Xiumin were dead because of him." I looked at Baekhyun to see him lowering his head.

"Shit. I never meant for them to die. I was just lying about Jackson to get him out of the house. Someone else must be in town." He tapped his chin, thinking.

"So, that means he's all alone. This is the perfect opportunity to kill him." Taehyung said but Yoongi shook his head. He hated that his hyung was right but the younger couldn't contain the anger he felt towards Chanyeol and he just wanted to make him pay for the pain he caused to his friends and family because Jungkook was his family.

"No. Queen CL is going to take care of him. Taehyung, have you forgotten the Camarilla? You can't just act on instinct for everything. There are rules." Yoongi tsked.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Taehyung bowed as he gritted his teeth in annoyance.

As I was about to ask another question, a loud cry resonated from the bathroom. Aotaki. She must have woken up already.

"Hyung, I think you should know that Aotaki is now a vampire." Taehyung flashed a nervous grin, leaving Yoongi with his mouth wide open at the news.

"What? How did that happen?" Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose to keep him from bursting.

"Chanyeol. He must've bitten her before he left the house. I found her in the basement, covered in blood. But I just thought he beat her up or something." I confessed.

The bathroom door opened before they could utter another word, revealing a healed up Aotaki, looking at the blood that stained her shirt and pants. She looked up at us, alarmed before Taehyung approached her and began explaining the situation. It was normal that she bursted out into tears at the news, more so because her own Sire wasn't there to comfort her and get her through the delicate process. She needed his blood the most but she had to settle for Taehyung's, which wasn't exactly satisfying her needs. Her thirst was visible from the was she kept tugging on his wrist for more, even when Taehyung pulled back.

"So where are we going now? We can't stay here." Taehyung said, wincing in pain as he held his wrist.

"You guys go back and report him to Queen CL. I'll stay here to stall him." Jimin said, making us all turn to look at him in shock. He gave Aotaki a sad and disappointed look, his eyes glistening from the tears that wanted to spill but he held it in as he took a deep breath.

It hurt him to see his soulmate turned by his Sire. It should have been him, not Chanyeol. How could he know what was in Aotaki's mind if he couldn't feel her emotions and touch like the way they used to? How could he trust her again after she was the cause of all the suffering that was brought upon his friends and most importantly himself? All the nights he cried his eyes out because she left him without even having a good reason. How could he explain the fact that the bartender tripped and fell over him in the middle of the club, revealing her underwear when she didn't give him a chance to speak and he could only drink his pain away at the club. The drinks were served by the same problematic bartender.

"What? No, we can't do that." Yoongi shook his head.

"It's okay. We have some unfinished business anyway. Just go." Jimin ushered, looking at her one last time.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked again more serious than ever.

"Yes." Jimin said sternly.

I turned to Taehyung to find him already looking at me with a concerned look on his face. Next to him was Aotaki who kept her head lowered. She wanted to say something but she couldn't look up. The atmosphere was so tense and no one said a single word as the hyungs nodded and we made our way one by one towards the cars.

Taehyung came by my side, holding my hand and interlacing our fingers, giving them a light squeeze as if to say everything will be alright. I could just hope that it would because I couldn't go on like that forever. I was supposed to come to Seoul to study and become a doctor, not run away from psychopaths like Chanyeol.

The ride back was silent, Aotaki rode with me and Taehyung as the hyungs took Jungkook into their own car. It was safer that way. No one knew if or when the maknae would go out of his barely there mind and start a physical fight with anyone who was near him. It was better that he stayed with the stronger vampires who could put him down faster than Taehyung who was emotionally attached to the boy, Aotaki who was completely new to the thing and me. Well, I was just an ordinary human.

We arrived in front of a tall building in the middle of Seoul that required an ID card to pass through security. It was expected, being the Queen's building. I was curious to see what the queen looked like and now I got the chance to see her in person. My heart was beating faster than usual, seeing how the other employees were looking at me, no doubt that they were vampires as well. Taehyung gave them one look and they lowered their heads in submission, minding their own business.

Once the 4 of us got into the elevator, Baekhyun pressed the button for the top floor. The rest of them remained in the car to guard Jungkook and make sure nothing would happen to him and couldn't run away.

The doors opened directly into the queen's quarter. A long royal red carped was guiding the way to her desk where she stood, guarded by 2 buffed bodyguards on each of her sides. Her head lifted up from behind a book, looking at us sternly as we approached.

"Queen CL." We all bowed after Yoongi announced our arrival.


A/N: Thanks JiminieChanyTae for helping me out with the small details ^^

Blood Lust | K.Th./VTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon