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Chapter Twenty-Two: Queen Beau

*Two months later*

Things had been going smoothly for Kevin and Beau, they had just came back from their mini getaway since Kevin got a call from Ty saying shit was getting

Beau stay waiting for some woman to pop up outta nowhere to try and jump at her, but so far nothing. Being in Kevin's presence has hardened Beau, yet she still had the sweet and shy aspect to her but you never know when her boss mentality
came out.

Kevin and Beau drove up to his trap to see if everything was still in order but workers were chilling once again in front of the television screen -the duplicate that they had to buy with their own money after Kevin had destroyed it- while some basic bitches occupied their time.

Before Kevin could speak up Beau walks up to the TV blocking everyone's view "umm fat ass bitch don't you see us watching that?" a girl with blue box braids said smacking her gum, Beau walks up to her and simply slaps her nearly slapping off this guys lap "now bitch when you come at me show some damn respect" Beau grins while the other girls glare at her "the rest of you heffas can get ta' steppin' or I'll jus' handle y'all my damn self" she takes ahold of the box braided girls hair and
pulls her up leading her to the door where everyone finally acknowledges Kevin's presence.

Someone mutters "shit" and they all jump up "oh no y'all were sitting just fine a few minutes ago carry on I'll be right back just gotta take out this nasty ass trash you call women" Beau smiles at the guys, Kevin wanted to see what Beau was going to do so he leaned against the wall analysing all of them.

Beau was still outside making sure none of the girls ever set foot into the trap without her knowledge while the guys looked at Kevin "yo man Gh-" "shut the fuck up" everyone went silent until Beau came
back inside.

Clasping her hands together returning to the front of the TV screen "you guys must be wondering who I am" they all
nod and send out a 'yea' to her, looking at Kevin who simply shrugs and puts his hands into his pockets "I'm the Queen of
this bitch!" Beau retorts "but you wasn't introduced before" a tatted up dread head pointed out "I just motherfucking did nigga, problem?" she sends a smile his way when he shakes his no.

She then looks at the guy who had the chick with the blue box braids on his lap and struts towards him then sits comfortably on his lap. During her walk the guys finally manage to take in her whole appearance, they liked what they saw and were more than willing to get a piece of her "now you, your lil girlfriend disrespected me so I feel it's only fair I give you the message to relay to her" she whips out a pink pocket knife from her bra, one of the many gifts Kevin thought would protect her when he or Ty or Chris wasn't around.

Tracing the sharp edge on his jean, from his knee to his thigh before reaching his manhood, leaning into ear shot only for
him to hear "tell lil mama out there that she could try to mess with me again but then she'd have one less dick to ride on" pushing the knife into his dick slightly to make sure he got the message "is that clear?" earning a stiff nod from him, she kisses his cheek "good" and gets up from his lap.

Scanning the room "I don't take any type of disrespect, come at me the wrong way I'll be worse than him and you don't want
anyone worse than him believe me" she smirks but one particular guy just seems unfazed by her, she was hopping not to prove a point on her first day here but Kevin did tell her that respect is earned once you get in it just doesn't jump on
your lap.

Hoping her knife throwing skills were better than when she was practising, she looked at the guy and threw the pink coloured knife in his direction and perfectly into his shoulder. Everyone stared at her in awe, Kevin got turned on by just looking at Beau trying to handle
grown folk business.

The guy with the knife to his shoulder yelps in pain. Beau snatches the knife out of his
shoulder making him grunt "anyone else want a preview of what I'm actually capable of?" they all shook their heads no and walk out to handle whatever they had to.

Cleaning her knife Beau feels someone staring at her intensely but she didn't look up because only one guy gave her the chills just by looking at her. Kevin.
Still not looking up "what you staring at?" Kevin chuckles "get rid of the attitude I'm not like these niggas you tryna run" she glances at him before shaking her head "so you think" she mumbles.

Beau starts to feel a lil dizzy but shakes it off and walk behind Kevin who practically left her behind and didn't even tell her he was leaving to go to the other side of the trap house.

Walking into his spacious office Beau plops down onto his couch feeling a bit nauseated but as quick as the feeling came it left. Beau had noticed that Kevin had been sick, throwing up every other morning and evening but he'd shrug it off and say it was probably something he ate or he wasn't feeling too good.

Looking in Beau's direction as she lies down on the couch "you okay?" Kevin asks Beau who had
held an emotionless look unlike her usual happy ear to ear smile she had finally started showing "yea just a bit dizzy and nauseous that's all" after that sentence had been said Kevin darts to his bathroom and throws up "Kev you seriously need to go see a doctor anyone would think that you going through some kind of morning sickness" Beau states.

A soft knock drums through the door "come in" Ty peeks his head through the small spacing between the wall and the open door "some people here for you"
"send them in" Kevin coughs after rinsing his mouth with mouthwash "you sure?" Ty inquires "yea man" Ty shrugs and opens the door.

The people both catch Beau's attention "Beautiful" they whisper "I-I-I" lost for words they all look at each other "but how?"


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