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Chapter Seventeen: Home


"This is bullshit Ty, find my woman damnit!" I hiss at my right and left hand men Ty and Chris. Every second of every minute in every hour just seemed to drive me insane, the past month I've been working my workers to the bone and I've been on a major killing spree.

Ty stands back with his hands in a surrender position "yo Kev you need to calm down man, we have been looking and we won't stop until we find her aight" I give him a blank stare "if there is so much as a bruise, nah fuck that a tiny ass mark on her I'm killing somebody!" I retort.

The things I would do to get that woman back in my life, it isn't love but shit she had found a spot in my heart I knew couldn't be cut off. Shaking my head I get up from my chair and walk to the door "Ghost don't be too hard on the workers" Chris tries to reason "Ion give a fuck bring Beau and I'll let them niggas off the hook" I locked behind me as soon as Ty and Chris walked out.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs
everyone was at their stations doing what I instructed them to do when some bitch had the audacity to look up me like she was trying to fuck with a real nigga "back to work bitch I don't want yo non-relevant donkey ass hoe" I sneer giving her a look of disgust.

Chris throws his head back laughing hard as hell while clutching onto his side. I glare at him but walk out the trap leaving them behind and then my mind goes back to Beautiful, I chuckle just thinking about her. For someone I thought was all sweet had proven me wrong, first she beat the consciousness out of Mia and then ends up in jail for knocking a girl named Asia out.

I get to my magazine office building, Ashley been offish for some time now but still gets the job done. I get into the elevator with a lot on my mind giving off a nonchalant impression on my face "Good Afternoon Mr Stevens" a highly preppy voice greeted making me groan but throw a head nod her way.

Reaching the front of my office I hear a voice, Ashley's voice "no
you can't drop me now!... Look you got the girl now help me take this dude down so we at the top together... His name is Kevin Stevens... Erik, I mean Krazy I want us to work she can be your side piece bu-... Hell No!" she yells before its silent.

I walk over to one of the vending
machines to get a energy bar, slowly making my way to my office Ashley slowly closes my office door "hey Ash" I grin when she freezes on the spot "oh hi Kevin" turning slowly to look at me "its Mr Stevens but what were you doing in my office?" I ask curiously "oh I-I just took in some d-documents you had to sign for next weeks meeting" I nod and take my ass inside "hold all my calls for a few minutes" I shut the door behind me.

Enabling the sound proof in my office, bitches are nosey these days "yo Ty let Chris know to come to my office in five minutes" I say into the phone then hang up.

Somebody was playing a cat and mouse game with me and I was planning on finding out why...


I had been chasing Jay all over the house since what he did but that nigga wasn't playing when he said he was on the track team because for the past two days he
has out ran me "slow down Jay" I laugh running after him again "promise me you won't kill me" I chuckle then stop running "okay I promise you gon' run off anyways" he came and sat next to me on the porch.

Looking at nothing in particular "you wanna go to the mall?" I shrug "I guess so but I went yesterday" he drapes his arm over my shoulder "I mean just you and I like the first two times" I smile at him "okay but what about Erik?" he returns the smile "leave him to me" I shrug and look around once more.

Jay was a sweetheart and it was hard to believe that no woman had snatched him up yet, Erik was also jealous of our strong
friendship bond but Jay and I didn't care we were doing us. Whenever Erik and I had a minor disagreement he was there for me. Jay showed me love in a way my parents, Erik nor sir had showed me.

Every time he came around I felt like a lil girl but I knew it wouldn't last because of Erik but hey it wouldn't hurt to dream
right?. Jay got up and walked into the house most probably to talk to Erik about him wanting us to go to the mall together "you ready to go?" I jump up only to see Jay "he said yes?" I asked skeptical, it wasn't like Erik to agree to something that easily especially if it had to do with me leaving his sight for longer than ten minutes "yea as long as you with me its all cool" I smile widely hugging him "lets go m'lady" I laugh at his foolishness but intertwine our fingers anyway.

Reaching the intersection to go to the mall Jay took a slight detour "Jay where we going, you do know Erik would literally flip tables if he knew you lied to him?" concern taking over "its OK I'll just spin a story but that man isn't good for you Beauty so I'm taking you were I know you'll be safe well until Erik has been taken care of" he glances over at me for a second and looks back at the road ahead.

Fifty-five minutes later we pull up to a house that was all too familiar "he won't look for you here yet but tell that nigga to watch his back Erik has become
ruthless" he holds onto my hand "Beauty this won't be the last you see me so take care of yourself until we meet again love" he kisses me ever so sweetly and a wave of what felt like love to me surfaced from the pit of my stomach.

He pulls back and stares into my eyes "I love you Beauty if anything happens to you or me know I'll forever love you and
take care of yourself for me please" I nod still in a daze from that simple yet passionate kiss from Jay "OK Jay please be safe
out there and don't get shot at please" a tear slid down my cheeks as I watched the hurt in his eyes "I can't guarantee that Beauty, getting shot at is pary of the lifestyle I live" he sighs.

He opens the door for me but avoids eye contact "this is your home " I watch him get back into his car and drive off, I felt somewhat betrayed, hurt and the only guy that had shown to not be as possessive as the others just walks away well in his case
drove away from me? Am I that bad of a person to be around? Maybe I am.

An apple red Range Rover drives up the same road that Jay's 2014 Aston Martin had just disappeared from a few minutes before. Slowing down I see sir I just stared at him for what seemed like forever.

Kevin steps out of his car, looking me up and down in disbelief. I wanted to run into his arms and cry but my legs wouldn't move.


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