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Chapter Twenty-One: How We Met


Scanning the meeting room.where all my.workers sat nobody said a word or moved a single muscle, I was pissed and they knew it. I was missing her but that son of a bitch had to get her back, I had his house raided and they were gone every single piece of their clothing was gone.

I lean back in my chair and look at everyone, all had a look of fear on their faces which I was happy about well except for Jay. He held a blank face, with irritation and boredom mixed in his body language.

I liked my workers showing some type of fear towards me but knowing Jay he was about his money and didn't think of anyone being intimidating not even me. Although I can't believe his story of someone taking Beautiful from him so easily then beat his ass and then left him, something was fishy with this story but until I figure it all out ill have to keep a close eye on him.

I missed her, all of her. The way she giggled whenever I did or said something crazy, the way her hair flowed down her back, the way her eyes would light up
whenever I said 'I love you' and the way she'd use her smart ass mouth to keep me in check sometimes.

I missed it all and yet I'm the one to blame for her leaving me that day, pregnant and all. I remember the time we actually met like it was yesterday.


Most of the students from the local high school had asked one of the universities around if they could use their football field since theirs was under some serious work. Beau had planned to stay in that afternoon and catch up on some assignments due in the next two weeks.

Just starting on a project for her Black History class a loud knock tears her away from her work, slowly opening it she sees Asia on the other side with a huge grin on her face. Looking at her best friend "what do you want now
Asia?" she playfully groans at her "get dressed we going to watch our football team play" she pushes Beau back into the house as she closes it behind her.

Beau grumbles "I want to catch up on.some school work Asia" shaking her head Asia looks at her friend "Beau please we all know that you don't need to catch up on shit you already ahead by a full.week" Asia states while walking into Beau's bedroom.

Rummaging through Beau's clothing drawers, she finds a pair of black leggings, a blue and white sweat shirt with a pair of some white uggs that had blue designs on it. Asia had bought her these and added a few designs to them.
With a sigh of defeat Beau puts on the clothing mumbling a few words she knew she wouldn't say out loud, while Asia proceeded to add eye liner, mascara and light pink lip gloss while enclosing her hair with a black white and blue
beanie with 'Beau❤' written on it in blue another one of Asia's many gifts.

The two girls stroll over to the football field as they saw other school members going in the same direction "uhm I think I should go back home" Beau whispers not feeling the whole thing anymore "please stay... for me" Asia pouts and show casing her puppy eyes hoping Beau would fall for the act like she did a whole lot of times "don't look at me like that" Beau groans but Asia stands right in
her face with the same pout and puppy dog eyes "okay fine!" Beau hisses ignoring her best friends happy cheers.

Erik had been checking up on both teams seeing as he was studying to major in physical therapy. He had made sure all players had no type of injuries before the game.

Walking over to his professor "they all set?" Erik nods "yea they all good" the bleachers next to the field slowly fill with students from both schools playing.

Asia and Beau find a seat right in the middle, Asia raving about how football players turned her on whenever they tackled each other down but Beau wasn't paying any attention, she would have rather been home enjoying her alone time instead of miserable in public.

As the game started people were all hyped except for Beau "I'll be back" she stood but Asia pulls her back down "where you going Beau?" still focused on the game
"bathroom" Beau lies with a nod Asia let's her go, Beau squeezed past all the people that were in the way before she could even reach the pathway someone
slapped her ass but she kept it moving.

Rushing to the bathroom -a place she would call her safe Haven until the game was done- she collides into a wall, not just any wall a wall with abs and a hard ass eight pack including the chest.

Stumbling backwards the wall
catches her "sorry I should have been looking were I was going" the wall said, now it would be stupid to call him wall knowing he had a name "it wasn't your fault I could have slowed down a bit" she smiles slightly "what's your name
Beautiful" he smirks holding out his hand "Beautiful" she giggles taking his hand.

He chuckles "you are beautiful indeed but what's your name ma?" he asks again looking into her eyes "that is actually my name, Beautiful" he bits his bottom lip looking her up and down "Erik" "nice to meet you Erik" he liked the way his name
rolled off her tongue and he knew he had to have her and not in a committed relationship type of way.

The two walked into one of the rooms where you could watch the game in silence without others bugging or yelling at you each time their team didn't have their way.

They spoke for at least five hours straight and by the end Beau had thought she had found the one to love her unconditionally but Erik knew he was one step closer into dipping his fingers into the cookie jar.

Flashback over

As time moved on I knew I started falling for Beautiful, I knew that deep down inside of me but I ended up breaking her heart and I never could look at another girl for a while, but shit life goes on so I had to let the memory of her out of my mind until I found her again. I found her, got her and again she's gone maybe for good this time


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