The house

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I'm just gonna say this. My English is horrible. I'm new to this so I don't know. I have a tumblr and there are story's so check that out too I'm pretty sure it have a link somewhere.

Also there's a selection of prompts on there so make sure you give me a prompt or suggest your own. Ok enjoy~~~~!!!

Cars passing by as they were driving. Boxes rattled in the back of the car. The boy was looking out the car window with headphones in his ears blasting loud music looking at houses passing by. His ears should've been bleeding by now but they weren't, he was listening to the song called neibourhood 'afraid'. His mother looked at him and sighed.</p>

"Hey I know you're devastated that we are moving again but I promise that you'll like this house. It's very big and it even has a pool in the backyard." The boy was still looking out the window listening to his loud music.

His mother looked at him and took out his ear bud.

"Did you even hear a word to what I just said?" She looked at her son who was looking angry and annoyed at the same time.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows. "That this move will be as shitty as the last one. And that I'll be the weird new kid in school that everyone thinks im some strange human being." He crossed his arms and looked away.

The car stopped at the red light. "Perce I know this is difficult but you just have-

"Mom I dont even understand why we had to move anyway. It was fine there in new York."

The light turned green and the car started moving. "Percy you know exactly why we moved and it's not just because of my new job here." She glared at him at the glass mirror in the car.

"OK just to be clear I didn't start anything he did." He scolded his mom looking at the mirror too.

"Well he may have started it but you finished it. You broke his nose and cracked 5 of his ribs. Hell he even had his teeth knocked out." She continued to drive.

"They expelled you from the school Perce. So don't blame me for moving." She turned the wheel and made a left.

"Yeah whatever." Percy put his ear bud back in his ear. Turning back to look at the window.

Few moments later the car completely stopped and pulls up on the drive way.

Percy got out of the car. "We are living here? In this house." The boy looked at the house or should he say very huge house it had to be at least 4 stories high.

"Yep and you wouldn't believe how much this house cost." She closed the car door.

"I can see why. This house looks like it was abandoned for years or someone decided creepy and dead was the new trend." He said observing the house.

"Come on Perce let's start getting these boxes out the car. Also your starting school tomorrow so you might wanna pick out your room by now." She said getting boxes out of the trunk of the car.

The boy bit his lips trying to avoid making a groan. "Great. now I can get my clothes unpacked faster."

His mother opened the front door. a gust of wind came out as soon as the door opened. "Breezy isn't it. ok let's start getting these boxes out the car."

Percy went to the trunk and felt the urge to look up at the house. He could've sworn he saw a boy on the 3rd floor. He wanted to get a closer look but his mom interrupted him.

"Hey those boxes aren't gonna grow legs and walk over here inside the house." Percy looked at his mom and looked back at the window but there was no one there. Percy shrugged it off and started picking up the boxes.

He almost dropped the box a hand touched his shoulder suddenly. when he turned around there was a boy. He was slightly taller than him he didn't look older than he was but not younger either. He had blond hair like very blond hair. His eyes were a very bright blue. Electric blue you might say. he had on a purple shirt with letters on them but Percy didn't know what it meant. He had on jeans or pants that were bulky sorta.

"Woah I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you. ok maybe a little but not that much. Uh y know what I mean." Percy looked at him and took a few steps away from the boy to make sure that he wasn't a serial killer.

"I'm jason I live around here and you sir are now moving into the Devils house. But despite that whats your name." He narrowed his look at percy.

"I'm Percy I just got here from new York and- wait did you just say 'Devils house'.

Jason looked puzzled. "Did no one tell you the history about this house and the previous owners?"

Percy adjusted his box that was slowly slipping out of his hands.

"What do you mean history and what about the previous owners?"

"Wow. You seriously don't know anything do you? Well the people here-"

"Persus jackson hurry up with the boxes!"

Percy looked at his mother that was glaring at him leaning on the side of the doorway of the house. "Uh sorry I have to...y know.bye."

"Well ill see you around then." Percy forgot about what jason said.

He couldnt deny it but jason was handsome. And Percy was bi so he started to like jason. A little blush crept up his cheeks just thinking about it.

Percy ignored the fact that he was blushing and started to walk toward the big. Gloomy. Almost recked house.

Once he stepped into the house. He noticed that the plate number of his house.

"House 13 the 'Devils house' What a weird name for a house." Percy walked in and looked around the house.

It was dark for starters only the light from the outside lit up a little bit of the place. His mom was somewhere in here but couldn't find her.

The house was no doubt big. It had chandeliers on the ceiling near the stair well and lamps on the walls almost everywhere.

He walked around looking amazed of how much space there was. It was a little dusty and shattered glass scattered around the floor.

"There has to be a light switch somewhere." Percy searched for the light switch.

He almost dropped the box when he heard static and saw the flicker of lights. It was actually very nice inside of the house.

"Yes!" He heard a voice coming through a door that was open.

He looked inside. It was a basement with a stair case leading down. He went down there to find his mom near the power box.

"Mom what are you doing?"

"Hey Perce. I found the power source. Is this place nice!" Ms. Jackson had a awe expression on her face.

Percys eyes wondered finding that there was a lot of old boxes.

"Maybe the previous owners left there stuff here or left it for the next owners to claim it." His mom said looking at the boxes

"Hey mom What's that?"

I know
I'm the best aren't I ask me if you want the next part. And suggest me something lol XD to be continued...

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