Chapter 9: Retired Playboy

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Walking out of Oliver's room, Ronnie ran into the one person she didn't want to talk to just yet. Tommy Merlyn.

"What were you doing in there?" Tommy asked curiously. He knew that before Ronnie had a crush on Oliver and Oliver had a crush on her. Tommy hoped that nothing but talking happened in there.

"Why does it matter to you Tommy?" Ronnie questioned him.

"Because your my ex girlfriend or whatever you want to call what that was and he's my best friend." Tommy said. "Because I never stopped loving you." He said stepping closer to her as she stepped back. "Because I would do anything to have you back in my arms." He said as Ronnie's back collided with the wall right next to Oliver's room.

"You're Starling's playboy, Tommy." Ronnie let out hiding all emotion from her face.

"Retired, princess." Tommy said. "I have been the retired playboy ever since the day you and I first got together." He said before kissing her. Ronnie wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him as close as possible.

Oliver walked out of the room, and hid how much he was hurting when he saw Tommy and Ronnie desperately kissing one another. He sighed before walking away from the two.

Tommy picked Ronnie up, and carried her into his own room where they would spend the day lost in each other's touch.


"Choose your poison." Clint said to Oliver.

"I already have it." Oliver told Clint holding up the quiver he had from the island.

"Another archer, great." Natasha said sarcastically as she loaded her guns. "Hey, have you seen Ronnie? We were supposed to go shopping today."

"Last I saw her, she was sucking faces with Tommy in the hall." Oliver replied bitterly.

"I guess I can forgive her for it." Natasha said.

"Barton, you help out Oliver. I'm going to go spar with Cap." Natasha said before walking away from the two men.


Ronnie cried out in pleasure as the two reached their climax. Tommy laid Ronnie back on the bed and fell down next to her. Tommy couldn't be happier, while Ronnie wondered if what she did was right.

She loved both Tommy and Oliver, but who was her true love. Oliver, the man that she loved but could never have as her own. He would forever be her best friend. Tommy, the man that has been there for her and loves her.

The obvious choice would be to be with Tommy, but Ronnie's heart could not be happy with that choice. Oliver was what it wanted.

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