Chapter 1: New Mission

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Billionaire Oliver Queen found on the coast of Lian Yu in the South China Sea after five years.

Veronica sighed before turning the tv off. Her best friend was back from the dead after five years, but she was in no rush to go and see him. Maybe it was because the last time she saw him they left on bad terms or because she didn't want him involved in her new life.

"Ronnie, Fury wants us in his office." Her best friend, Natasha Romanoff, said walking into the room she was in. Natasha and Veronica first met when five years ago when Ronnie left Starling City. At first they hated one another. Ronnie was the only person that could beat Natasha in a chase, and that didn't sit well with the trained assassin. Fury had quickly found out about Veronica Stone and recruited her as an agent for SHIELD. As time went on, Natasha and Ronnie became the best of friends.

"What is it this time?" Ronnie asked putting the remote down and following her red haired best friend down the halls of HQ.

"I don't know, Fury didn't say anything. But I heard that he's calling the whole team in." Natasha replied. Fury hadn't called the team in since the Battle of New York. According to him, they all deserved a break.

"This must be major, especially since Thor and Banner are being brought in too." Ronnie said. The two assassins quickly reached Fury's office and walked in without knocking. Nick Fury stood facing the large glass window that overlooked the mountainous terrain. The other Avengers were also there, all doing their own things. Clint was working on his bow and arrow. Captain was reading the newspaper. Thor and Banner were talking about something, and god knows what Tony was doing on his tablet.

"Glad that you two could finally join us." Fury said without turning around.

"Glad to be here, Director." Ronnie replied sitting down next to Tony and taking his tablet away from him.

"Hey, that was mine." Tony whined like the five year old he is. Tony Stark was an interesting person that never failed to surprise Ronnie. The moment they met, Tony could not stop flirting with her. Despite his flirting, their relationship was as platonic as it got. Tony was Ronnie's best friend and he would never do anything to jeopardize what they had.

"We need to talk later." Ronnie told him. Tony was instantly concerned, Veronica Stone wasn't the type of person to have serious talks and neither was Tony. But when they did have serious talks, one was always comforting the other.

"So sir, why have you called us in?" Captain asked finally putting down his paper and turning his attention to Fury.

"I'm sure all of you have heard the recent news." Fury said. "Billionaire Oliver Queen was found after being presumed dead for five years." He said as Ronnie sucked in a breath at the mention of her ex best friend.

"What does Oliver have to do with us?" Ronnie asked as Tony placed a comforting hand on her knee. He had seen the damage that Oliver's disappearance had left on Ronnie.

"We have reason to believe that Oliver Queen and his friend Thomas Merlyn could be in danger. Hydra has been seen tracking the two." Fury said. "Stone since you're from Starling City and are friends with both Mr. Queen and Mr. Merlyn, I think it's best that you return home and keep an eye on them."

"What about us? Why'd you call us in?" Banner questioned, still not understanding why they had to be here if he only had orders for Ronnie.

"Stone and Romanoff will go to Starling City, while we track down and find out what Hydra wants with them." Fury replied. "You're all dismissed."

"Looks like I'm going home." Ronnie said to Tony and Natasha. "When I left Starling City, I thought I'd never return."

"Do you want me to rent you two out a place to stay at?" Tony asked.

"Tony, babe, I think you're forgetting that I inherited multiple estates when my father passed away. Including one in Starling City." Ronnie told her billionaire friend before strutting back to the room she was staying in to pack whatever she needed for her trip back to Starling City.

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