Chapter 5: Ice Cream, Movies, and Assassins

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"Romanoff, take Mr. Queen and Mr. Merlyn into our custody. Stone will have to deal with it." Fury said after hearing the latest attack on the two.

"The Queens got Oliver a bodyguard for his protection." Natasha told Fury as she forged a note to leave to the Queen and Merlyn family.

"Bring him too. I want you and Stone to be on a quinjet headed towards the Avengers Tower by tomorrow night." Fury said before disconnecting the video chat.

Spending the night at Oliver's. Will be back tomorrow morning.

Natasha read the text from Ronnie.

Fury said that we don't have a choice anymore. We have to take them into custody by tomorrow night.

Natasha replied before putting her phone down and getting her catsuit out.


Reading Natasha's text, Ronnie sighed.

"Ollie, promise me that no matter what happens you'll always see me as your best friend and not some monster." Ronnie said as they are the ice cream and watched 21 Jump Street.

"Of course I would. Why would I see you as a monster?" Oliver questioned confused. His biggest fear was her thinking of him as a monster once she figured out what truly happened on the island.

"Like I told you, I've done some awful things." Ronnie replied. "Let's go to Tommy's, I have some things that I need to tell you both before tomorrow." She said getting up.

Ronnie and Oliver made their way out of the house with Diggle following them. "My car or yours?" Oliver asked Ronnie.

"Mine." She replied. "One of you is sitting in the back." She told the two men before getting into the drivers seat. Diggle ended up being the one in the back.

"When'd you get this?" Oliver asked as Ronnie drove to Tommy's.

"It was a birthday present from Tony." She replied.

"He got you a car?" Oliver asked shocked. He has gotten Ronnie some pretty extravagant gifts in the past, but never a car.

"It was either this or a giant bunny." Ronnie replied. "I chose the car."


"Hey guys." Tommy said when they walked into his room. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked looking up from the tv.

"Ask Ronnie." Oliver said sitting down on the swiveling chair.

"Remember how I kind of disappeared for the last fiveish years." She said sitting on the bed while Diggle stood by the door. "I got into some trouble after my dad died. Pissed off the wrong people."

"What did you do?" Tommy questioned.

"I hacked into the Strategic Homeland Intervention and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D." She said pulling out her badge. "And into the Stark secure server. That's how I met Tony and Natasha."

"Tony Stark, isn't that Iron Man?" Diggle asked.

"Yeah." Ronnie said. "Anyways, the Director Nick Fury was intrigued especially when I got away from his best trained assassins, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. Also known as Black Widow and Hawkeye."

"The red head is an assassin?" Tommy asked shocked.

"The best there is." Ronnie told him. "Fury, he convinced me to join S.H.I.E.L.D. I trained with Nat till I was just as good as her. During the time I've been with S.H.I.E.L.D, I've done things that have made my ledger drip with red."

"You've killed people?" Oliver asked now understanding why she made him make the promise earlier.

"More than I would like to admit." Ronnie replied. "I wasn't going to come back, until we got a threat alert."

"What's the threat about?" Diggle asked.

"While S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to protect people and the the world, there's another organization that wants the world in chaos. They call themselves Hydra." Ronnie said. "Hydra is Nazi organization that first started out during World War 2, we thought tha Capsicle defeated them until recently."

"Capsicle?" Oliver asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Captain America." Ronnie told him. "Hydra wants you two."

"Why us?" Tommy questioned.

"We don't know yet. We're still trying to figure out how Hydra operates." Ronnie told them. "In order to protect you two, Fury told Nat and I that we have to make you two disappear."

"Disappear? I just came back from the island." Oliver said.

"Nat and I have a plan. You two are coming on a road trip with us. Diggle is invited too." Ronnie said.

"So your sexy assassin friend?" Tommy asked suggestively.

"Don't even try. You're not her type." Ronnie said instantly knowing how Natasha felt about relationships.

"But I'm everyone's type." Tommy whined with a pout that made him look totally adorable to Ronnie.

"Natasha knows a million different ways to torture someone to the point that they beg to die." Ronnie told him as he instantly shut up. The four silently sat in the room thinking of what was about to happen. Oliver contemplating whether or not he should reveal what happened in the five years he was presumed dead, while Tommy debated with himself if he should reveal how he truly felt about one of his best friends. Diggle stood by the door wondering what the hell he just got himself into by being Oliver Queen's bodyguard. Ronnie sat in the bed deep in thought of her actions.

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