Chapter 2: A Heart Felt Conversation with Tony

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Scrolling through her contacts, Ronnie found the number she hadn't called in a while. Tapping the name, she held the phone up to her ear and waited for him to pick up.

"So you finally decide to call." He said answering the phone.

"I heard the news and thought that maybe I should call to find out how he is." Ronnie replied as memories she locked away resurfaced. The laughs and tears. The movie nights and fights. The pranks and parties.

"Are you coming back to Starling City? I got one of my best friends back, Ronnie, and I would love to have my other best friend back too." Tommy Merlyn said as Oliver looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Wondering where Ronnie had run off to when they declared him dead.

"Well then you'll be happy to hear that I'm coming home for a bit." Ronnie told him.

"When do you get here?" He asked. Ronnie could hear the excitement in his voice. She knew that his eyes are currently twinkling in joy at the thought of a killer party he's going to throw for her and Oliver's return to Starling City.

"Tomorrow around noon." Ronnie replied.

"Great, Oliver and I'll meet you at your place. And yes I still have the key, so I'll make sure that the house is sparkling clean when you get there." He told her making Ronnie smile at him.

"You're the best Tommy, see you soon." She said before hanging up.

"Hey you want to talk now?" Tony asked walking into her room holding a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons.

"Yeah." She said. Tony walked over to her bed and sat down with his back to headrest. Ronnie crawled into bed and cuddled with him as they ate the ice cream. Though their relationship was completely platonic, they would usually cuddle and find comfort in someone being there. Many nights, Tony would crawl into her bed when he couldn't sleep due to the nightmares that plagued him after the Battle of New York. "I've spent the last five years convincing myself that Oliver was gone forever and now he's back."

"Now that he's back, you can rectify the fight you two had before the shipwreck. It's a second chance for you to tell him how you actually feel." Tony told her. "He was your best friend back then, and he's back."

"Five years does a lot to a person, Tony." Ronnie said. "Five years ago, I was a naive little girl that believed anything daddy would tell her. Now I'm a master assassin with a ledger that's dripping red and can't be cleaned. I've done things that all my friends from Starling City would be disappointed in."

"You did what you had to do to survive. We've all done things that we're not proud of. But you're still Veronica Stone, best friend of Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn. You can still reconcile your friendship with them. And they won't be disappointed in you if they're true friends." Tony said. "Ronnie, you're one of the most strongest and influential person I know, and that's something coming from me since you know I'm great." He said making her burst out laughing.

"What would I do without you?" She asked still laughing.

"Probably die because capsicle bored you to death." Tony retorted with a smile that only Ronnie got to see.


"And I thought Tony's house in Malibu had the best view ever." Natasha said as a driver took them to the Stone Estate in Starling City. The mansion rested upon the precipice of one of the few mountains that gave a view of all of Starling City.

"It looks even better at night when the lights to the city are shining brightly and the cool summer breeze is blowing." Ronnie told her. "Oliver, Laurel, Tommy, and I would go up to the roof during the summer nights and just spend hours talking about the most random things."

The black limo parked in front of the mansion Veronica Stone grew up in. The driver opened the door, allowing for the two assassin's to exit the car. Veronica got out gracefully being used to it. Natasha on the other hand ended up hitting her head against the top of the car.

"Bog chertovski poderi." The red haired assassin cursed while rubbing her head to soothe the pain. Veronica couldn't hold in her laughter at her friend who was glaring at her.

"Tasha, you were trained to be graceful, yet you end up hitting you're head on the top of a limo while exiting it?" Veronica questioned with a smile.

"I can show you how gracefully I can kill you, Ronnie." Natasha replied with a glare.

"You love me too much to kill me." Ronnie said strutting to the front door.

"That's debatable." Natasha yelled out before following her raven haired best friend into the gigantic mansion.

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