Our Baby Girl...Chapter 2

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                                                         Our Baby Girl

                                                           Chapter 2

Cathy has been feeling poorly ever since she woke up this morning around six o'clock. At first, there was a little pain in her lower back, but it went away, after she started moving around. Finally, she felt like getting dress, so she could cook breakfast for everyone.  

When she finally got down stairs, Francis was setting at the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. As Cathy wobbles into the kitchen goes straight to the coffee pot seating on the stove. As she was pouring, her coffee and she decided she had better say something to Francis, or she might start fuzzing because she did not say anything as she walked into the kitchen first thing. 

Consequently, Cathy positioned a happy smile on her face that she did not feel. "Good morning Mrs. Francis. How are you this morning?" 

"I am alright, but I would have been better if you had been down to made coffee like you suppose to. You go just ahead and drink that coffee and you will find out how a good cup coffee is supposed to taste not like that shit you make. Remember what I told you to do. You put four tablespoons of coffee grain in the pot after you pour water in the pot. Then let it heat up and come to a boil for ten minutes, not for half an hour like the one you been doing. That stuff is so strong and black a spoon will stand all by its self. I think you better start cooking breakfast, besides setting down and drinking your coffee, because if you had gotten up like you suppose too I could already eaten and be out of here and hour ago. On the other hand, you had to lie in bed half morning, not doing things you need to do for your family." 

Cathy could feel her anger building inside her chest; she tries to swallow her anger down, but that did not work. She turns toward Francis placing her hands on her stomach patting trying to comfort her baby or herself, she didn't know.  

"You know I am not your slave, Francis. I am not up to hearing your mouth run all day long, saying first this then that, it's isn't good for the baby, and her upset." 

Francis slowly stands up from her chair, walks over to Cathy and lends by her ear, and said in a low vicious voice that she could only hear. "You are what I say you are, and that my dear is low down slut thinking her was marring into my money. That is right. It's my money and not my son's, just because you are having his baby only means you spread your legs for him. As far as I know that is not even his baby, but he said he loved you. So he married you but I beat he is sorry now from what I heard him say last night." 

Francis grabs her hair and pulls it hard, making Cathy cry out in pain, "You want to know what I heard, Cathy? You are a cold as a dead fish and he's getting tired of it. Just wait until you have that baby things are going to change around here. You will be spreading your legs like the slut you are."  

Francis let loose of Cathy's hair, walking back to the kitchen table and setting down picking up her cup and begins drinking her coffee like nothing had been said. 

All Cathy could do was swallow down the hurtful things she hears every day since she been married to Archie that she is no good for nothing slut. So what was so new about being called a slut or a cold dead fish? Just thinking about that one word a dead fish made her smile, then she started to laughing and until she was holding her stomach when she felt a sharp pain shot in lower back. 

Cathy grabs the chair in front of her for a few moments waiting for the pain to go away, it finally did. She then pulls out a chair and sat down taking a few deep breaths. 

After feeling a little better, she stands back up, bends down, and picking up the frying pan to start cooking breakfast. Breakfast was just about done when her water broke as she bent down taking the toast out of the oven.  

Cathy looked down to the floor and was watching her clothes and floor was getting soaked. She could not believe her eyes that her water would brake here of all places in the kitchen. 

First thing that Cathy did was set down again and yelled out for Archie. "Archie come here please! My water just broke!" 

Archie walks into the kitchen and yells, "What are you yelling about!" 

"Honey, mu water just broke and I need to go the hospital, can you call a cab or someone to take me?" 

"Yea in just a minute I was talking to someone on the front porch. I will be right back in a minute." Then he turns and walks back outside on the front porch. 

After waiting ten long hours in labor the doctor said, she was not having her baby naturally so he was going to do a C-section on her and take the baby from her that way and she would have to stay in the hospital for at least one week if not more. 

All Archie could say to her and his mom was how he was going to pay for this hospital bill. 

Francis looks over at her son and said to him, "Honey don't worry your pretty little head about it. You will find a way, you always do." His mom patted him on his back as they were rolling Cathy into the operation room to have her baby.  

Doctor Wilson came walking into the operation room seeing Cathy already being prepared for the C-section. As Doctor Wilson was washing his hands, then drying his hands RN nurse had handle out to him. He said to Cathy in a very calm smoothing voice. "Cathy this will not take long at all. You will be in and out here and within a few hours your baby will be in your arms." 

Before Cathy could reply, oxygen mask mixed sleeping gas was placed over her face and she was sound sleep within minutes. 

Cathy wakes up in a strange room; she looks around the room she was in seeing a nurse busy doing something on the other side of the room.  

The nurse heard Cathy breathing changing, knowing she was awake, "Mrs. Cathy in few minutes we will be moving you to your room in about ten minutes. I don't know if Doctor Wilson told you or not but you have a beautiful baby girl, she weigh at six pounds and seven oz. and nineteen inches long. Do you know what you are going to name her? I need her name for her birth certificate?" 

"Yes. I am going to name her Fanny Ann, after her great grandmother on my mother's side. I think my great grandmother would like that, don't you?" 

"Yes I would and that is a good old name." 

Within ten minutes, nurses came and wheeled her out of the room she was in and into her only room down the hallway. After they got her settle in her bed, another nurse was walking in carrying her baby in her arm and setting her new baby girl in her arms.  

Cathy looks down at her baby in her arms, "I love you my little darling and I will protect you with my life or die trying, no matter what."

I hope you will take the time after reading this chapter to vote. Also send me your comments that you might have, I would really like to hear from. If you are wondering when this took place , it was around the 1950's; people around this time did not talk about these things that was happening in their families back then.

Most families back then  thought it was fine to turn their heads and look the other way when it was going on with their friends or their with family. So they just kept abusing their wives and children. It was their way of life. Well I want to put a stop to it. No child, wife or woman should go through this these days.

So please vote, and I want to hear from you.me.  How many of you are mad and crying right now?    

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