Nine Months Later chapter 7

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Nine Months Later 

Chapter 7

When I woke up the next morning, I looked around my room, really seeing nothing but four dark walls, staring back at me. Kathy looked toward the window seeing that the curtains were closed, so that was why there was no sun light coming in from outside.  

Kathy thought for a moment as she was laying there staring around her room, that was how she felt inside, no light coming in her soul, she felt dead inside. She tried to remember why she felt this way, when every morning she waking up, she was so happy to be alive. Now why there was a difference. Why did she felt this way? 

Then it all came back in a flash, her husband came into her room late last night drunk, and he raped her. Why? 

Before she could really think about why, she heard her little baby girl stirring in her crib, waking up for her morning feeding and wanting her draper change. 

Therefore, Cathy crawled out of bed, went to the bathroom, and looked into the mirror. What she saw made tears come into her eyes. Her left eye had turned a dark blue where he had slapped her face last night. She knew that the rest of her body would look just as bad, but it would heal in time, she would have to put it behind her and move on, like it never happens. 

Her little girl needed her; she would always come first, no matter what. Cathy hurried and washed her face the best she could and walked back into the bedroom to where her baby laid in her crib. 

For the first time this morning a smile came to her face, this was her sunshine she was missing, when first woke up, just looking down seeing her baby smiling up at her, with no care in the world, because she knew her mother would take care of her no matter what. Oh how she loved her baby girl. 

Cathy bends down picking her up bring her up to her chest hugging her close. She whispers by her ear, "I love you, little one. You are my sunshine, no matter how dark it might be outside or inside my soul. You are my sunshine. I love you with all my heart.  

When Cathy went down stairs to the kitchen for breakfast, Hazel said nothing about how her face looked or what had happen the night before. Cathy felt her face turning red with anger, wondering why she did not come running into her room last night, when she had to hear what was happening last night. Then she thought about who this woman was, she wasn't her friend, who would hold her or ask her what had happen the night before. Because she knew all along, it would happen at some point. 

Cathy knew it would have happen the way he had been drinking lately, so why was she surprised by how Hazel was acting toward her. She made her bed and now she had to sleep in it, like her mother had told her before she got married. This was her bed and she had better get used to it, because there was no way of getting out of it. 

The next few weeks went along fairly well, of course, Archie still was drinking every day, but at least he wasn't the mean ass I knew he could be. 

Then this one morning when she woke up, she was feeling sick in her stomach, she runs to bathroom so sick, she was throwing up everything that was in her stomach. She thought maybe she had the flu, until she walked down to the kitchen and smelt the food that Hazel was cooking for breakfast. Then it hit her square in the face. She was pregnant again. She had all the signs, the morning sickness, her breast was sore to touch. 

She thought about telling Hazel or Archie that she thought she was pregnant again, but decided not to, they would find out soon enough, when she start showing in a few months. 

Cathy walked back upstairs without eating and began playing with her baby instead. 

As the weeks that went by and she started showing ever so little, as the weeks went by, for no reason at all she was smiling, because every once in a while she come feel life moving inside of her body. 

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