Rushing Her into Surgery Chapter 5

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                                                                 Rushing Her into Surgery 

                                                                           Chapter 5 

Archie ran across the street to the phone booth and call 911, within twenty minutes the ambulance was pulling up into his driveway. Once the ambulance driver and his partner jumped out of the ambulance, they were running inside with a stretcher between them taking the stairs two at a time, until they came to Cathy's bedroom, where they came to a complete stop as they stood there looking in shock at the woman lying in bed. 

One of ambulance men spoke up as he pulled on a mask over his nose and handing one to his partner. "How long has she been like this?" He turned to look at both people standing in the doorway of the bedroom. 

"I don't know for sure, she just came home from the hospital forty-eight hours ago. That's all I know." Replied Archie 

"Don't look at me, young man. I am just the mother-in-law here, plus she never came down stairs to let us know she wasn't feeling well, so I left her along to rest." Hazel replied before he could question her. 

Both men rolled the stretcher closer to the bed, before lifting Cathy from the bed onto the stretcher, then one of the men began checking her over for any signs that could be causes this dreadful odor and running her fever up so high. 

Once they saw that she had C-section just recently in the late few days, they understood what was going on here. She has and infection from her surgery and no one had discovered it before letting her leave the hospital, someone was not paying attention to his or her patience.  

They started rolling her through the doorway of the bedroom and into the hallway, when Hazel asked them as they were pushing the stretcher toward the stairs. "Do you have any idea what could cause this to my daughter-in-law? Is she going to make it?" 

One of the men answers her as he kept pushing the stretcher out of the door and into the waiting ambulance. "I have no idea; we could already be too late, it just too hard to say. We will see you both at the hospital within a few minutes." With that being said; he jumped into the driver seat and drove off with the siren going down the street toward the hospital. 

Within forty-five minutes, the nurses and a doctor had Cathy into surgery and reopening her C-section when she had her baby.  

Once they had her open, they saw what had caused the problem, whoever had done the surgery before had left a clap instrument inside of her that had caused area to become gangrene. It took the doctor and nurses hours to get the infected area cleaned before they could even feel she might pull out of the woods, because she was so close to deaths door. 

Before leaving the operation room, the doctor turns to the nurses that worked with him and said to them. "I know you want to tell her family out there in the waiting room about what we found, but please doesn't say anything. I will personally be taking care of this problem with the doctor, myself. This is not the first time something like this has happen to one of his patients, I am sorry to say. In addition, I don't think the hospital can take a law-suite right now, I think it's barely holding it's own as it is. Therefore, I will see if I can talk him into retiring or something. It's a damn shame too, he used to be a good doctor too, but you know when we get older we forget things that we used to caught before it was too late." 

Both of the nurses said at the same time, "We understand Doctor." 

While Cathy stay in the hospital after her surgery, the nurses let her have her baby in her room with her, but she was not able to breastfeed her, because of the infection in her body, therefore, she had bottle feed her with can milk.

I hope you enjoyed reading this new chapter about Cathy. If so please vote at the end of the chapter, plus I would like to hear from you too. So drop me a line and let me know what you think how the story is going.

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