Another Tag

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I got tagged by allergic-to-life to do the 10 Things About Me.

1. When I was a little I got a nail glue in my eye, and I was almost blind in one eye. My parents work in a nail salon if you are wondering how I got my mitts on nail glue.

 My parents work in a nail salon if you are wondering how I got my mitts on nail glue

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2. I won the most compassionate award at school.

3. If I want a superpower I want Urban&Nature Manipulation. It would be awesome.

4. I want a pet ferret, but you know the law in California.

5. I bought two America flags because I thought of Captain America.

6.  I have feet that are pointed out as a v shape instead of straight.

7. I have a YouTube channel. Which I sorta post on.

8. When I get older I hope a have a spouse, three kids, and a couple of dogs.

9. My dream job is either Actress, be in a band, or a YouTuber. But if all fails I'll open a bakery.

10. I am Vietnamese, and understand most words.

I tag!!!!

Do this whenever you have time.

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