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Okay so this girl started making fun of me.I was okay until she started picking on my name.I used to hated my name a lot and I got picked on it before, so it's a pretty touchy subject.
BTW:The girl picking on me has been in a fight, picks on everyone , and has been on fucking parol!

The first time I let it pass because I was in class with her.In my next class the things got to me, but not too much.In lunch her friend, who I never fucking met, said "Is your name Thong or Tawny?".
I told her my name was Tawny, but it got to be and told the who was picking on me that it wasn't funny making fun of my name.She said she had nothing to do with it.Me being me, I let it go. After awhile it got to me and I started tearing up.They started staring at me, if I talked I'd start fully crying. The type of person I am is I can stand up for a friend, but I can never stand up for myself.
My friends started talking to them to stop.And that's how things got worst.They got up and the Vice Principal went to talk to them.My other friend, Jose, went to spy and listen to what they were saying.They said we were cussing at them.Okay in my friend group I'm literally the only one who cusses!So they told complete bullshit.So after we ate.We went out.She chick the picked on me and her group, walked up to us and threaten us!And my friend being a sassy smartass just said 'How wonderful.'.They try to start a fight, but we decline and ignore them.
    After that my friends decided it'll be a good idea to go to the Vice Principal, and tell because the girl picking in me picked on all of us.All we got was a contract saying if they bother us again they are in trouble.
    After sixth period the word is out.I know this because all my friends who had second lunch already knew.I told them I was okay.But then one of my friends ran to me and said my really protective friend heard and was fuming.I found her but a counselor was with her.I came up to her and said I was fine and I was okay.She was taken somewhere.
    I wish this didn't happen.I know this isn't the worst bullying, but this is the first time I have been bullied in 2 years.I wish my friends didn't get involved in this.This was my problem not theirs.I'm happy they helped me, but I feel like something worse will happen.If my parents find out my dad will get involved and it'll just get worse for me.They'll say I'm a snitch and they'll pick on me more.I'm scared....


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