To Freedom!

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  I walk down the hall. Now, where could Jack and our horses be? I passed a room with the door cracked open. I looked inside. Nobody was in there. I walked in and looked around. It was a pretty big room with show clothes and nice tack. Nothing helpful in here. I heard voices becoming louder. I dived behind a clothes rack.

  "We don't know where she is. She must have escaped." The first voice said. I peered through the clothes. The girls were standing right outside the door.

  "Yeah, at least we have Jack." Another girl said.

  "Well, we got to find her, before it's too late." I heard a familiar voice said. I tried to see who it was, but she must have been behind the door. I tried to move around the rack, but ended up nocking it over. The girls turned there heads towards me. Oh great. I saw the Girl behind the door.

  "Madelyn?" I staired in shock. She was part of the dark core.

  "Myra, there you are! We've been looking for you." She said. "Are you okay?"

  "I-I thought we were friends." I said, almost in tears.

  "What? What are you talking about?" Madelyn said.

  "You and the rest of your gang kidnapped me! Twice!" I screamed at her.

  "No, I'm not part of the dark core." She said, calmly. "I'm a Sole Rider. We came here to rescue you and Jack."

  "How do I know that?" I asked. "Where's Jack?"

  "He is looking for that crystal with Anny."she said.

  "The crystal is destroyed." I said. I was crying now. She came and hugged me.

  "Come on. We'll find Jack and Anny. There must be another way to get you home." She said. We walked down the hall. We entered a room and saw Jack and Anny looking through a room.

  "Myra!" Jack said."Are you okay?"

  "Yep, good. You?" I asked.

  "Good. Still can't find the crystal, though." He said.

  "It's destroyed." I said. "The shards the red head threw at me were the same color as it."

  "She could have had a different crystal. Broke it and showed you it. To make you think you have no hope." Anny suggested.

  "Yeah, it's almost impossible to destroy a dimensional crystal." Jack said. "We will get you home."

  "Thanks," I smiled. "Wait, did you say almost impossible. Meaning that there is a way to brake it?"

  "Well, yeah. A enchanted brass and iron mix hammer. But I highly doubt that the dark core has one." Jack said.

  "You mean, something like this?" A blue haired girl pointed to a dest behind a wall. There was glimmering hammer. Behind the hammer, was some glittering crystal pieces.

  " Let's go back to moorland, before the girls come back." Madelyn said. We got outside where the sole riders horses were tied to trees. Also, they found Firepetal and Superman. We mounted our horses and rode to moorland.

We were in jacks mini stables. Taking about the situation. Also, about what we are. Because they don't really know.

  "We are dimension travelers. We jump through dimensions. I'm from this one. Myra is from another dimension." Jack said.

  "And this one. Remember, my grandpa?" I said.

  "Oh, yeah. Wait. Yes!" He said. "I know how to get you home!"

A/n❄️ random snowflake for your troubles

Traveling Dimensions-Star Stable: Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora