We meet again

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Here you are in front of Dave's apartment. You don't know you got there or when or why but you are and boy are you glad. You're also nervous and haven't thought of anything to say but before you could turn back or think, someone opened the door. Dave Strider. He looked at you strangely or at least that's what you think. It's okay though, you love just looking at him. "Oh, it's you. I was going to go see you actually." He scratches his neck and moves aside, gesturing you to come inside. You walk in with a small smile. He was going to see you, it was surprising and you were glad he thought of you.

You moved the smuppets off the couch and sit down, Dave sitting next to you. "So." You start, looking down at your lap. "So? That's you can say? You came here for a reason didn't you?" You shook your head. You hear him sigh, almost like he was annoyed, that made you regret coming there in the first place. Why were you here? 'Because you like him.' your thoughts say in reply. Your thoughts weren't wrong which almost made you upset. You did like him but you didn't exactly have a great way of showing. Your birthday party replays in your head, the moment you took his shades basically on repeat. You felt like you could go mad but you didn't.

A hand in front of your face snapped you out of your trance which you were grateful for. "Yo [name], you alright?" He raises an eyebrow as you look up. You smile and nod at him. "Hey Dave, I'm going to do something okay?" He shrugged and you take that as a sign of approval. "Just close your eyes okay?" He hesitates but sighs and nods. You wave a hand in front of his face just to be sure and smile, knowing he did as you asked. Show time. You looked at him for a moment in a heavy thought, weighing the outcomes and nothing was worse than not doing it. You nodded and make up your mind. you will do this for you and your poor broken heart. You close your eyes, lean up, grab his shirt, and crash your lips into his in a much needed reassuring kiss.

Dave freezes, having not expecting it at all. You embarrassed yourself, great on your behalf. You go to pull away until you feel Dave's arms wrap around your waist and he kisses back. You can't tell whether your heart is melting or about to jump out of your chest but you don't care because the one you know you love actually loves you back. The kiss was for a second or two but it felt like forever to you. Finally, you pulled away and rested your forehead on his. "I..I love you." You mumble, pecking his lips once more.

A/n; Hiya! so this story is coming to a close, no not this chapter. There will be at least two or three more before it ends. I decided to update because I don't want y'all to hate me or anything but I want you to know I am getting very busy and may not have time to update as you all want me to but I will try! Oray Oray enough of this, later children :o)

Edit; This will be the end of the story. I have no more ideas for it and I'm tired of writing it. I'm so sorry everyone!

Cooler Than Me [Dave Strider x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora