Not cool dude.

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Your name is [Name] and you are so happy! Egderp asked you out! You gladly accepted because you figured why not. He was sweet and derpy and always there for you. You were suppose to meet the lovely egderp in a few hours so you were currently picking out what you'd wear when your phone and computer went off, telling you someone was pestering you.

[Name] answer whoever is pestering you.

You pick up your phone from your desk and click on pesterchum.

TurntechGodHead [TG] is now pestering SillyHipster [SH]

TG: [Name]
TG: Yo
TG: What the hell
SH: What are you talking about Dave?
TG: You dating Egderp
SH: What about it?
TG: Why are you with Egderp
SH: He's sweet and nice
SH: Why do you care so much?
TG: Its wrong
TG: You dating my best bro.
SH: Goodbye Dave

SillyHipster [SH] has ceased pestering TurntechGodhead [TG]

Did he really do that? You sigh and look through your closet of new clothes. What to wear.You thought and your ruffled through your closet. "PERFECT!" you screached and pulled out the outfit. It was simple but it was perfect! You threw the outfit on and put light make up to go along with it. Wondering what the outfit was?

You wore a long blue t shirt with the wind symbol printed on it in light blue along with a pair black skinny jeans and blue flats. You had light blue eye shadow and lip gloss to finish the look. It was perfect in your eyes.


"I GOT IT" Shanna yelled from the living room, opening the door. You smiled and put on a few blue and black bracelets and then you walked into the living room. "Well hi john! What brings you here?" Shanna asked with a smile. "I'm here to pickup [Name] for our date." Shanna looked towards you. Oh my gosh you got an egderp she mouthed and you giggled. You walked over to John. "Hello John" "Hey [Name], ready to go?" You nodded and smiled. "Let's go" he takes your hand and you both walked out the door. "Pester me when you get a chance!" Shannah yelled before closing the door.

As much as you wanted to tell about the date you are too bust being Dave Strider!.

Your name is Dave Elizabeth Strider and if [name] wanted to play this game you would play as well. You called up Jade earlier and you two are going to a movie later which is cool and all. Your bro thought it was a bad idea to play this little game but you didn't care, if you couldn't have the one you were flushed for because of John she won't get to you because of Jade. Jade was an awesome and if there was something more you would probably find out today.

A/N: two updates in one day! You got a date with Egderp and I have no idea where the hell this story is going. Oops X3 don't worry I'll get somewhere with it! You will end up with Dave in the end so don't worry!!!!

Cooler Than Me [Dave Strider x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now