Chapter 26

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I was staring out of my car window which Louis was driving. Watching the houses and trees pass by with a blur. I'm actually terrified now. I always wanted to meet Louis mum but I'm scared because I know she won't accept me as much as I try. I mean she doesn't accept her own son for being bisexual, how is she meant to like me?

What am I supposed to do! What if she starts asking questions? What if she throws Louis out of her house because of me? What should I do? I can either man up and tell her the truth or lie to her. Tell her how I'm straight and Louis and I are mates. Nothing more and nothing less. Though if I say that, I might hurt Louis feelings. Fuck this is so confusing.

"Marcy, we're here." Louis said, his voice breaking my train of thought. God, when did we get here?

I climbed out the car and followed Louis swiftly behind into the tall apartment building. We got in the lift and up we went.

"It's going to be ok baby, don't worry about it." Louis said, taking a hold of my hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"It's not Lou; she's going to hate me!" I said.

"You always over think everything don't you? Just for once don't think about it. I love you and she can't change that ok?" He said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

The lift doors opened and as we stepped out there was a tall lady standing there. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked to be about in her mid-thirties. She smiled at us and waved to Louis.

"Hello Louis, how you doing?"

"Fine thanks, Lily. How about you?"

"Great! See you around." She smiled as she stepped in the lift.

I looked around me as Louis dragged me along behind him to his apartment. The hall walls were grey and the floor was covered in white tile. All the doors were a horrible green colour with gold numbers on them.

Finally we stopped in front of apartment '22'. Louis turned around and gave me a bright smile before he let go off my hand and opened the door. He walked in and I followed behind him. I could feel myself start to shake just from the nerves I had and then seeing Louis mum, made them even worse.

"Hey mum." Lou said, walking straight to his room leaving me, alone, with her. She watched as her son walked into his room and closed the door behind him and then her head snapped towards me. First of all I see where Louis gets his looks from, especially the more feminine ones. Second of all, I'm shitting myself. She looked at me from head to toe and finally her eyes landed on my bandaged arms. I gulped as her gaze met my eyes.

"So you are the lad who has been in the hospital?" She asked.

I just nodded, not trusting my voice at the moment. I don't want to make a fool out of myself

"Hm, I see. Did my son make you do that?" She asked, staring at my bandaged arms, once again.

"N-no." I answered.

"What's your name lad?"

"Um Marcel." I tried to smile. Hopefully it didn't look too forced.

"Marcel? You know my boy is bisexual right?" She spat the word bisexual like it was the most disgusting thing in the world.


"I think he probably fancies you. I heard him talking over the phone to Zayn I think. Saying how good looking you are and things. It's sick!" She scowled.

"I-I don't mind." I started playing with my thumbs, the tension building in the room being too much for me.

"Are you bisexual? Or gay?" She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Um...uh...well....I..." I started to look around the room frantically and finally my eyes landed on Louis. He was peeking through his door and when he realized I was looking at him he had this pleading look on his face. 'For me' he mouthed. That's all I needed.

I knew then that if I lied to his mum, I would lose him. So it's time to suck it all up and do this for him because I love him and I'm not going to hurt him. Not like he did to me because, Louis is stubborn and he won't forgive me like I'm trying to forgive him.

I took a deep breath as I stared at Mrs Tomlinson straight in the eye. "Yes, I'm gay."

I watched as hatred and disgust flashed through her eyes.

"You are disgusting. How can you embarrass your family like that? You should hate yourself! What you are is wrong! I bet you're with my son. Actually I bet it's your fault he's turned like this. None of your kind deserves to be alive!" She yelled.

"None of my kind! I'm not some type of monster! I'm fucking human, just like you! Only because I prefer boys over girls doesn't mean shit! And what if Louis and I are together. What if we are happy together? I love him. I love your son and he loves me back. You make me sick! So much hate for your own fucking son! Your own fucking son! You should be ashamed of yourself!" I yelled back.

Louis came out of his room now, holding suitcases as he came and stood next to me. He grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"You changed my son! You made him into this!"

"He didn't change me mum! It's who I am. I like boys and girls. I've known forever now. Even before I met Marcel so don't you dare blame him for who I am. And you know what I'm fucking proud to be me. I can't even dream of being someone else."

"That's it! Get out of my house and don't you ever come back Louis William Tomlinson! You are no longer my son!" She screamed.

"Gladly! Because I've stopped seeing you as my mother for a while now." Louis said, picking his bags up and starting to walk towards the door. I jogged up to him and grabbed his wrist, spinning him around.

"Oh and one more thing Mrs Tomlinson." I smirked as I crashed my lips onto Louis.

They immediately started moving against mine, hungrily. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip and he moaned as he parted his lips. A loud gasp was heard behind us.

"Get out!" She screamed as she pushed us out the door and slammed it in our faces. I held in a laugh as I looked at Louis. He was just staring at the floor as he touched his lips like they were the most precious thing ever.

He finally seemed to come out of his daze as he looked at me and blushed. I winked at him as I hit the door a few times.

"Oh! Harder! Harder!" I panted.

I watched as Louis tried not to laugh.

"Marcel baby! Fuck you're so tight!!"

"Faster! Fuck Lou! Faster!"

"Fuck Marcy!" I heard him say before my back was slammed against the door. Louis eyes were full of lust as he stared at me. Then his lips crashed on mine in another hungry kiss. He pulled back panting as he knocked our foreheads together. "I hope you're really like that in bed because fuck was that hot!" He whispered.

"Don't worry babes; you'll be the one making those noises!" I winked. Louis immediately went from dominant to very flustered as he took a few steps back, hiding his red cheeks.

"Fuuuck Marcy! You're so big!" I moaned loudly and Louis went even brighter red.

"Leave now you bastards!" His mum yelled from the other side of the door.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into laughter and Louis soon joined me.

"Come on let's go home." I smiled and Louis grinned back at me.

"Like the sound of that." He said as we made our way back to the car.

I guess that didn't go as bad as I thought. Louis is right, I do over think everything and obviously that's a bad habit that I have to stop because it's not getting me anywhere. At least Louis is still here and I believe that he isn't going to let me go like everyone else I know did. I hope I'm right this time and I don't screw everything up because I'm more broken than what I look.

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