Chapter 5

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I've been at the gym for half an hour and Louis text me saying he would be here in ten minutes. After my little talk at school, I seem to be in a good mood but it could be because I'm meeting Louis right now. I punched the punching bag a few times, bouncing on my feet and pretending to be dodging punches.

I heard the gyms door open but didn't give too much notice as I continued to punch the punching bag. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I swung around, my gloved fist ready to come in contact with the persons face when I realised it was Louis. I dropped my hand quickly and smiled at him, knowing how to control your punches is a good thing.

"Sorry Lou, thought you were someone else then."

"I uuh i-it's ok Harry."

"Cool, so what do you want to do then?" I asked, punching the air a couple of times in front of me.

"I-I don't know." He said staring at my body.

"Like what you see Lou." I winked and he just blushed looking away. "Actually you can help me finish training." I smiled.

"Isn't your trainer supposed to be here?" He asked, looking around.

"His wife just had a baby, a girl in fact he's so happy. He's staying home to look after her."

Louis nodded as he took the information and then looked at me. "So what do I do then?" He asked.

I smiled as I thought of how I could use this moment to my advantage. An idea popped up as I looked at Louis.

"Could you lay on the floor for me?"

"O-on the floor? Wh-why?"

"Don't worry." I smiled.

He nodded as he sat down on the floor at first and then lay down. I smirked as I put my hands either side of his head and stretched my body so I was hovering over him but no other body part was touching the floor except my hands. He blushed as he realised how close we were and I smirked. I pushed my body up and then let it fall as our noses touched.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He squeaked.

"Push up." I smirked.

"Why do we have to do them like this?"

"I need some type of motivation." I said.

I watched as he blushed and stared deeply into my eyes. His eyes are gorgeous, such a bright ocean blue. I slowly came down again bringing my face close to his as I gently brushed my lips against his. His breath hitched as he closed his eyes and he parted his lips slightly waiting for the next time our lips brushed. I chuckled as I came down again and kissed his cheek and then got up.

His eye opened and he looked around to see me standing next to him with my arm stretched out towards him. He blushed heavily as he took my hand and I pulled him up. I walked over to my gym bag grabbing a towel.

"So I'm done training now. What shall we do?"

"Whatever y-you want to d-do!"

I chuckled as I looked at him. "Why do I make you so nervous?" 

"Y-you don't, uh you don't m-make me nervous."

"Is that why you stutter all the time? I'm just like you Lou, a 18 year old. Only difference is I'm a boxer." I shrugged as I pulled on a t-shirt over my body and changed my shorts for jeans.

"R-right." He stuttered again.

"I'll show you, come on, let's go!" I smiled.

We walked out of the gym and I threw my gym bag in my car before we walked to a nearby diner. We ordered chips and soft drinks before we sat down at one of the tables.

"Ready to have some fun?" I asked grinning.

He gulped as he nodded unsure. I grabbed one of the chips and aimed for a man sitting a couple of tables down. I threw the chip and it hit him at the back of the head. I heard Louis cough trying to hide his laughter. The man did the right thing and ignored us until the fifth chip I threw hit him once again. He turned around and glared at us and I just popped another chip in my mouth, grinning.

"Harry, he looks mad." Louis whispered.

"That's half the fun." I smiled.

I watched as the man slowly turned around and took a sip from his coffee as I threw another chip at him, once again hitting him. He stood up this time and started walking towards our table. Good thing we were sitting by the door.

"Come on Lou, time to go!" I said, jolting up from my seat, grabbing Louis hand and dragging him out of the diner. I couldn't hold my laugh as Louis glared at me. This boy doesn't know how to have fun.

"Come on, lighten up!" I said pushing him lightly.

"Harry I know you said you're eighteen but you just acted like you were five!"

"So, live a little. You're such a buzz kill."

"I'm not a buzz kill." He said crossing his arms.

"Yes, you are." I said pushing him again.

"Am not." He moaned.

"Are too." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

He glared at me and then started running after me. We ran around the city as I lead him to the pier. He was too focused on chasing me to even realise where we were going. I stopped at the edge of the pier where you could jump off and land in the water.

"Lou, I'm sorry you're not a buzz kill, you're a wet buzz kill." I said.

"What?" He asked confused before I pushed him off the pier.

He screamed until he actually went under the water and I laughed as I watched him come to the surface.

"You dick!" He yelled up at me.

I dived off the pier falling in the water next to him, splashing him. "At least I'm a fun dick!" I winked.

Louis blushed a very dark scarlet red and I just chuckled as we swam to shore. I'm guessing he took that the wrong way. I ran a hand through my wet curls as I looked over at Louis. He was smiling as he tried to get the water out of his shirt.

"We should get some ice cream." I said, as I started walking off.

"Ice cream?" I heard him mumble as I got further away from him. "Hey, Harry wait up!" He yelled.

He soon jogged and caught up with me. "Why don't you call me Haz." I stated and he smiled the biggest smile ever, it was adorable!

"Ok, Haz, let's get some ice cream!"

"There we go, getting the hang of this now aren't you babes?" I beamed, throwing my arm around his shoulder.

We got some ice cream from the small shop on the pier and we sat on a bench at the end of the pier watching the sun set. Louis was telling me all about his school. Obviously he doesn't know that I got there myself but that's good because it means nobody knows my secret life yet.

"Do you want a ride home?" I asked as we walked off the pier now the sun had set and the sky started to become dark.

"No that's ok, my house is a five minute walk from here." He smiled.

"Ok then." I smiled, hugging him and then walking off. "Oh and Louis?" I shouted as he stopped and turned around.

"Best first date ever." I shouted as I turned on my heel and continued walking back to the gym.

Double Life (Larcel/Larry) *Trilogy*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon