Chapter 28

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I've been home for an entire week. I mean we've been home for an entire week. Living with Louis has been great fun. I've never realised how lonely I was before, living in this house, alone, in the woods. Well doesn't that sound like a great horror story? I've really been enjoying Louis company though, he's amazing.

I still have my bandages on though. Every time a cut starts to heal, I've been doing something and it's been bleeding again! It's so damn annoying. I don't have time to think about that right now because Richard is waiting to meet me at the gym and let's just say he didn't sound happy over the phone.

"Lou? I'm going!" I shouted.

"Ok. I might not be here when you get back. I'm going over to Zayns for a bit." Louis said as he appeared in front of me.

"Ok, cool. See you later then." I smiled and I opened the door, leaving the house. I got in my car and drove to the gym, listening to music like I always used to.

I finally arrived and I got out the car, slamming the door shut and walking towards the heavy metal door which leads inside the gym. I pushed the door open, listening to the metal scrape across the floor as I walked in, the little sunlight coming through the doors and small windows making the room a little less dark. Suddenly all the lights came on and I saw Richard standing by the punching bag which was swinging.

"Hey Rich." I greeted as I walked up to him.

"Marcel." He said in a stern voice. He never called me Marcel, EVER. That's when I stopped where I was and even took a few steps back. Richard started to walk towards me and I held my breath as he stopped inches away from me.

"Why didn't you tell me anything Marcel? I could have helped you, like I did before. You know I could but you just didn't say anything why?"

I let out the breath I was holding and looked up to meet Richards's worried eyes.

"I'm sorry Richard. I knew you would be disappointed in me and I couldn't handle that. I wouldn't be able to handle the disappointment in your eyes while I know you did so much for me." I sighed.

"It's ok Harry. But...we have work to do. You have a big match coming up and you're not letting everyone down so come on, it's time to train."

"You're kidding right? How am I meant to train if I have these bandages going up my fucking arms?" I said, waving my arms in the air so he could see.

"That's not my problem. Now drop and give me twenty. Go, go, go!"

I actually ended up training for god knows how long; all I know is that by the time I got home, I was shattered. I could feel most of my cuts bleeding again and I felt terrible. I sighed as I pulled open the door and walked in, shutting it behind me and slowly sliding down the door until I sat on the floor. I examined my bandages to see they were no longer white but red thanks to the blood.

"Marcy is that you? I made us dinner. It is pasta a la mode! I mean if that's what you call it! I don't know it just sounds fancy to me. Anyway, hey? Are you coming? Marcel?"

I heard him come closer and then a little gasp filled the room. The next minute he was by my side.

"What happened, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I was training." I sighed as I got up and started walking upstairs.

"What do you mean training? You can't train with your arms like that?" Louis said, following me upstairs.

"Well, Richard has other plans. Anyway, I need to go to sleep; I have a match tomorrow night." I yawned, taking my clothes off and just staying in my boxers.

"A match? A match!?" Louis raised his voice.

"Yes Lou, a m-a-t-c-h, A match! You know one of those things, that people like boxers do to win and-" I said getting into bed.

"I know what it is, dummy! You shouldn't be competing in a match tomorrow night."

"I have no choice Louis ok? Just please let me sleep." I said, closing my eyes.

"Fine, I'll be up to bed later." Louis sighed as he left the room.

I know I shouldn't be competing tomorrow but I have no choice. Richard is right, if I don't do it and I don't win, I might as well just give up on my entire boxing carrier. I can't do that, I'll lose myself again and I can't let that happen and I won't.

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