Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning after I heard a loud thud and a groan. I sat up from my comfortable position on the couch and looked on the floor, to see a sleepy Zayn, rubbing his head and glaring at the coffee table. I couldn't help but chuckle and then Zayns glare fell on me.

"You prick, you pushed me off the couch!" he said.

"Oops." I chuckled as I shrugged.

"Prick!" He mumbled under his breath and I just grabbed a couch pillow and through at him, hitting him in the face as he then glared at me and threw it harder back at me. We both started to laugh, Zayn holding his stomach as I threw my head back. After a while of laughing we both had stopped and a comfortable silence grew between us.

"You know that day you punched me, I didn't feel anything because I was high but fuck did it hurt after." Zayn sighed as he lay down on the floor and stared at the ceiling.

"You were acting a little weird." I admitted after the events of that day came rushing back to me.

He hummed in response. "Hey, what time is it?" He asked.

"Don't know." I shrugged.

"We have school right?"

"Yeah it's only Wednesday." I nodded.

"Best get ready then." He smiled as he got up and stretched his body up. I didn't move an inch and I felt Zayns curious gaze on me.

"Hey come on. Shit! We're already late."

"I'm not going." I sighed as I got up and walked to the kitchen, getting a glass and feeling it with water.

"What do you mean you're not going?" His voice boomed behind me.

"What do you think it means? I'm. Not. Going." I emphasized.

"Why not? You can't just hide away because Louis knows."

"Just watch me." I mumbled more to myself but a loud, exaggerated sigh left Zayns lips.

"You're being a pussy again."

"So what if I am, I'm not going." I repeated, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Louis will be looking for you, he might not talk to you but I know he will be looking for you."

I shrugged as I left the kitchen. I already made my decision and I can be a stubborn bitch if I want. If I say I'm not going to school, I'm not fucking going to school. I stormed back into the living room and fell on to the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on, flicking through the channels.

"So you're really not coming with me then?" Zayns voice rang through my ears as he stood behind me.

"No Zayn I'm not. Just go to school all ready." I said, a little annoyed and another sigh was heard from him.

"Fine, see you later." He said.

"Bye." I mumbled. I heard the door close and I sighed myself this time as I closed my eyes. I kept thinking of Louis face when he realized who I was, the hurt, the betrayal, the anger. Everything was so clear in my memory still and I all I wanted to do was forget. That one word, forget, kept ringing in my head. I knew one very good way to forget. One that I have stopped for a few months now. How bad would it be if I do it just once? Only once?

No! I can't. I sighed as I kept going through the channels but all I could think about is the one thing that could make me forget everything that happened yesterday. How easy it is, with just a certain substance to forget for a while what's been going on. Fuck I'm driving myself insane! I got up and grabbed my coat and my keys, slipping my shoes on and locking the door behind me before I got in my car and drove to town.

I parked the car and looked down the dark alley way, which even though it was light out, it seemed so dark and gloomy. I took a deep breath as I walked down it and stopped in front of a rusty, black door. I opened it and took another deep breath as I walked inside.

"Marcel!" A deep, raspy voice welcomed me, as a dim light glowed in the dark room. I saw him walk up to me as he threw his arm over my shoulders.

"Hey, Kyle." I said, looking around the room, the guys that were all sitting on old sofas and the grey bricked walls which in a way brightened the place up.

"What can I do for you? Haven't seen you here in months." Kyle smirked as he patted my back.

"Here, give me some." I said through gritted teeth, not believing that I was actually doing this. I didn't feel like myself, I felt like I was in a dream and at any moment I would wake up and be back in my house, sitting on the sofa and watching a boring program on TV as my thoughts kept going back to Louis.

It never happened though. I left the ally way with a small bag of pills in my pocket, my thigh burning just from the thought that it was there. I got in the car and drove back home in record time as I entered the house and walked straight into the kitchen. I took the clear bag out of my pocket and counted twenty pills. I put it on the kitchen table and stared at it. The colourful pills yelling at me to just take one. Only one. How much harm will it do? I picked one up and stared at it, holding it between my thumb and pointer just staring at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I slowly brought it up to my lips and I slowly rolled it across my bottom lip, before I sighed and placed it on my tongue. I closed my eyes as I swallowed, feeling the pill travel down my throat. It only takes five minutes to kick in. Fuck! I hit my fist on the table frustrated.

What am I even doing?

Double Life (Larcel/Larry) *Trilogy*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें