The Argument (sad)

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Mario: it wasn't intentional I swear!
Y/n: oh yeah sure it wasn't *rolls her eyes* so your telling you didn't kiss you ex
Mario: well....
Y/n: yeah. Well... What?! You kiss her right after you tell me you loved me!
Y/n: don't cover it up with something fake! Did you enjoy it? *anger in her eyes*
Mario: tbh I little... *looking down*
Y/n: I knew it! *walks to the chair and grabs her coat and keys*
Mario: where do you think your going?!
Y/n: anywhere but here!
Mario: NO! Y/n your not driving! Driving angry is not good!
Y/n: do I look like I care!
Mario: I don't want you to get hurt! Y/n, I care about you and I don't know what I would do without you!
Y/n: you don't care!
Mario: y/n, I'll always care about you!
Y/n: whatever! *storms off from backstage*
Mario: *starts to tear up and attempted to follow her but then Julian calls Mario to come back to the meet and greet*
Y/n's POV
Why would he do that! The worst part was he told me he love it and then next thing I know he's kissing his ex! What?! I mean he did say he didn't hear to and she was the one the did it first! Idk... I'm really confused. I had to get away from everything, I started to break down. Once I got in the car and started crying cause I didn't know what to do. The more I thought about it the more I cried. What if Mario did actually still have feelings for his ex.... I started crying even more. What if I loose him! At this moment my m I couldn't even see anything and I was shaking. To top that it started to pour down rain. I decided it was time to pull out of the parking lot from M&G. My hands jiggled putting to keys in, I finally got my hands to stop and I started the car. I still couldn't really see cause all the tears and the rain crashing down in my windshield. I pulled out of the parking lot and hit the road. When I'm on the road I have time to think and that made things 10x worse. I started to press harder on the gas trying to get away from my problems. What if Mario leaves me. What if he hates me now. What if he gets back together with his ex. What if I lose him. Then I heard a big crash and I was out.
Mario's POV
Julian: bro, are you okay?
Mario: not really
Julian: what's up?
Mario: *sighs* it's y/n... She caught my ex kissing me
Julian: DUDE!! You kisses her!!
Mario: NO Dude she kissed me. I went to kiss her cheek for a photo and she turned and kissed me!
Julian: wow, you messed up
Mario: I know! Don't rub it in! The worst part is she went for a drive and I told her not to cause I don't want anything to happen to her. She's stressed and when you drive when your depressed, sad, stressed... Anything bad could happen. Julian: here we have to get back from the M&G. Maybe hat will get your mind off of her.
Mario: okay *goes back out to the stage and starts meeting fans. About 10 minutes pass and Mario's mom comes up to him in the middle of the M&G. Mom. What are you doing?
Mario's Mom: Mario.... I don't know how to tell you..... Y/n is in the hospital... *starts crying*
Mario: *starts balling* what happened!?
Mario's mom: she was driving and apparently she started pressing harder on the gas petal and she hit the back of a trust and tumbled....
Mario: I gotta go! What hospital *his mom give him the location of the hospital*
Julian: Mario. You can't leave we're in the middle of a M&G
Mario: y/n is more important than M&G
*runs it and gets a taxi goes to the hospital*
Mario: *sprints into the hospital and runs to the front dest crying really hard and his eyes bloodshot* what room is
y/f/m/l/n (first, middle, and last name)
Girl behind desk: y/n is room 306
Mario: thank you!
*she smiles and says your welcome*
Mario: *runs into the elevator and goes to the floor and searches the rooms* 306!! *he opens the door to see y/n knocked out. He runs beside the bed*
y/n! IM SO SORRY! I shouldn't have let you drive! I shouldn't have let my ex kiss me! I should've stayed with you! This is all my fault.... *outs his head down on her arm and sobs*
Y/n: *eyes flutter and she opens her eyes* m-Mario?
Mario: *eyes lite up with excitement*
Y/N!! OMG DONT EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!! I love you so much *takes her hand and interwinds it with his and kisses the top of her hand*
Y/n: I love you too mari--
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP/ line goes dead
Mario: *cries out* HELP!!!!!!!
Two assistance come in the room and get the shock things
Y/n's POV
Uh oh... Is this it? Am I really dead.... No no no no no this can't be happening!!! It started to get more light. Then I see a figure. The figure gets closer. Mom? I yelled out.
y/n: mom? This can't be... But your... Your... Dead. I'm really confused *starts crying*
Mom: baby. What are you doing up here. Why don't you go back? It's now your time baby.
Y/n: mom! *runs and hugs her* I'm really confused. I'm I gunna stay *cries even harder*
Mom: that's up to you. Do you want to stay?
Y/n: well. No... Not really.
Mom: it not your time yet baby. You have a whole buck if people that care for you. Especially your boyfriend. Mario.
Y/n: that can't be. He cheated: he kissed his ex. He said she did it first she was the one that made the move.
Mom: do you believe him?
Y/n: I really do want to.
Mom: y/n that's not an answer. Do you?
Y/n: yes. Yes I do believe him
Mom: then what are you still doing up here. Go back. Now is not your time. I love you y/n. I'll see you one day
Y/n: bye mom. I'll miss you. You will always have a place in my heart
Mom: same to you baby. Same to you...
That was the last a heard from my mom and I was snapped back to reality
Mario's POV
Assistants: we've done all we can. Nothing.... We're very sorry for you loss.
Mario: *sobs in the chair* can I have a little with her
Assistants: take as long as you need
Mario: thank you
Assistants: welcome. *then they leave the room*
Mario: *takes y/n's hand* I love you y/n. This-this is all my fault. I my ex didn't freaking kiss me you wound me in this mess I brought you to.... *brings his head down and cries*
Y/n: *her eyes flutter* I-it's not your fault Mario.
Mario: *picks up his head* OMG BABY I THOUGH YOU WERE GONE! PLEASE DONT SCARE ME!!!! * crashes his lips on to hers*
Y/n: I love you too Mario
*assistants come running into the room*
Assistance: this is a miracle!! She's okay!!
Mario: *hugs y/n* your a fearless fighter baby girl *and crashes his lips back in to hers*

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