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A/N: Hey! I hope the story is good so far. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but I'm going to continue writing it anyway! Enjoy (^▽^)

Hinata was protected for four years. He was with other children and got along with most of them well. I would visit when I had an opportunity. Jessie protected these children well.

He wasn't one hundred percent happy, but he somehow understood my intentions to keep him safe. But I still worried that Erik would find him.

And one day, I was too late.

"Hinata!" I yelled, reaching out to him.

"Mother!" He screeched, being taken away with the other children. The protection spell was broken with the man's snap of his fingers.

It shocked both me and Jessie. That spell was ancient, having protected the shop for several decades. We tried to fight back, to get the children- and my son, but we were no match for this mysterious man's magic power and raw strength.

And just like that, Hinata and the children were gone.

[This short update was in Angela's point of view. I time skipped the story because if I wrote about Hinata's life in the orphanage, it would take too long and you guys would probably get bored. I'm planning on starting a sequel before school starts again. See you later! (^^♪) ]

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