I grinned back at him and took in his appearance. He was covered in paint splats and looked like he was in a lot of pain. I looked at the others who in turn, looked beat and tried. Eleven hours of running around in intense heat was a good enough reason to look beat and tired though. I’m sure I look the same.

“A shower sounds like the best idea right about now.” Kylie moaned, lifting her blonde hair back and fanning herself. I smiled sympathetically and the others all nodded in agreement. When I first met Kylie, she seemed like a bit of a princess, and maybe she is, but when you put her out in the field, she always tried her hardest and best. She was a top student and never gives up. She’s actually pretty amazing.

“What are you lot doing standing around talking?” Snapped one of our instructors, Perry, a muscled guy with tattoos covering his left shoulder.

We all mumbled apologies and followed him into the briefing area, cool air from the Air Conditioning hitting us like a wave. I breathed out a sigh of relief and sat on one of the benches, starting to dismantle my gun.

“Did I ask you to do that?” Barked Olivia, another instructor, who even though was quite small, gave off the clear message that she shouldn’t be messed with. She always wore a scowl on her face, which I thought was to bad, other wise she might've quite pretty.

“Sorry Miss.” I said, laying my riffle down next to me and looking her in the eye. If there’s one thing instructors hate the most is fear, especially fear of them.

She frowned, “Don’t apologize, just fix it.” She grumbled, facing the rest of my training group. There was only about fifteen of us here today, the rest of my year group would come back and train another day.

“Students.” She said formally, turning her heel, “I must say, you did an … alright job. A bit shabby here and there but nothing that can’t be worked on. If you’re name is on the board it mean’s you come back and do it again.”

I scanned the board to check if my name was on there.

“But miss,” Rachel said, sounding confused, “Everyone’s name is on there?”

Olivia smirked, “I said you did an alright job. Alright isn’t good enough. I need perfect. Now, you’ll all come back here and repeat the exercise next week at the same time. Clear?” She asked, giving everyone a hard look.

The class nodded, obviously frustrated with this outcome but not daring to moan and Olivia looked satisfied.

“Now, off you go. Don’t let me catch you mucking around.” She said sternly, waving her hand at us.

I stumbled to stand up right, my muscles lacking in energy since the adrenaline had stopped pumping. I felt steady hands grab my arm and help me support myself. I looked up and smiled at my savior. Jason, my boyfriend of three months. Then I remembered and my grin slid off my face and was quickly replaced by a glare.

“I don’t think I recall seeing you at all in the arena.” I hissed, scowling at him.

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