Chapter 24

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"Girl, calm down why are you so nervous?" Dinah asked me, while I straightened up my dress for the billionth time. "It's the VMA's okay.." I said, wiping my sweaty hands on my dress. "So? We've been to the VMA's and other award shows sooooo many times. You've never been this nervous before. What's wrong?" Ally asked me concerned. "It's just.. it's (Y/N) and my first award show together.." I said, my voice sounding shaky. "Aww, you're gonna be okay Laur." Normani said smiling at me. "I just wanna be next to (Y/N).." I mumbled, making the girls aww. "You will be! Now stop being so nervous and let's go." Camila said as the limo doors opened.

I was the first to step out of the limo and step on to the red carpet. Adjusting my outfit and hair, I was immediately met with hundreds of flashes of camera's from paparazzi and fans. I waited till all the girls had made their way out of the limo, and made my way to our manager along with the girls, who was waiting for us patiently. "Okay girls, you'll posing for pictures first right here, then doing some interviews next to it and then you'll be able to talk to fans and such, then you'll be escorted inside. Good luck and have fun!" Our manager said.

When we got our queue, we stepped onto the red carpet picture area and posed for pictures. I soon heard loud laughter over all the paparazzi that were taking photo's of us coming from the interviewers section. I looked at the section and saw Chelsea Briggs talking to (Y/N). The two of them were talking while (Y/N) and her bandmates were waiting for the camera man to set up the camera.

Soon our manager told us to we could go to the interviewers section. But we had an interview with someone that was next to (Y/N)'s. As I walked passed them I couldn't help but glare at Chelsea. I mean; I love her but she has to stay away from my girl.

During our interviews I was absent and was just looking at (Y/N) the entire time. Once in a while our eyes would meet and I'd look away blushing.

I couldn't believe the effect she had on me.

When we were in the middle of our interview with Chelsea, RIOT! walked by and Chelsea immediately asked for them to join us. While Chelsea was conversing with one part of our big group, I was looking at the ground. "Are you okay?" I heard (Y/N) whisper in my ear from beside me. I looked up at her and smiled with a nod, making her smile back at me. I brought my attention back to Chelsea and the others and watched them in silence. "You look beautiful by the way." (Y/N) whispered in my ear once again, while placing her hand on my lower back. I blushed and bit my lip to prevent myself from giggling nervously. I looked at (Y/N) and I saw her watching the others with a smile on her face.

"Well it was great seeing all of you again, have fun in there!" Chelsea said, making me stop staring at the beauty beside me. All of us gave her a hug and said our goodbyes before going inside of the building for the award show.

All of us stuck together while walking through the building. (Y/N) stopping shortly to great Justin Bieber and Martin Garrix real quick. She had told me before that the three of them were pretty close.

When we got to our seats we noticed that Fifth Harmony and RIOT! were placed right next to each other on the first row close to the stage. We all took our seats and (Y/N) and I sat next to each other. All of us fell into a comfortable conversion, but it was cut of by The Vamps suddenly standing in front of (Y/N) with a smirk on their faces. (Y/N) looked at the four of them as they stayed silent.

"Can I help you?" (Y/N) asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh I just wanted to say: enjoy the show and I can't wait to perform with you later." Brad spoke with his annoying voice. "Say what now?" (Y/N) said confused. The four boys smirked and walked away.

(Y/N) turned around in her seat to face her band manager who had witnessed the whole thing. "Terrance.. What the heck are those four pricks talking about?" She asked him confused. "Sorry (Y/N), this is good for your publicity and I couldn't help but accept the offer their manager made." Terrance spoke, regret noticeable in his voice. (Y/N) looked at me and sighed heavily before looking back at Terrance. "What song are we performing?" Jenna asked. "Just (Y/N); I Found A Girl." Terrance answered making (Y/N) groan. Before she could say anything the show started.

Let's just see how this goes.

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