Andrea watched as live footage was played. She furrowed her brow, studying the image of Batroc. He had escaped their mission only a few nights prior. Andy was irritated by the lack of transparency. Why were they being shown this and, more importantly, what did it have to do with Fury?

  "We picked him up in a not-so-safe house in Algiers last night," Alexander informed them. His tone insinuated that there was something more to the criminal's actions.

  Andy frowned, "Batroc is a mercenary and a pirate. He's not an assassin. Yeah, he's blood-thirsty, but that's exactly why he's innocent of this at least."

Andrea paused, her gaze still holding Pierce's. Though, rather than taking it as an act of defiance, he motioned for her to continue.

She chose her words carefully, "I saw the assassin from afar—" his gaze narrowed, a subtle reaction. Andy noted it.

"The figure I saw doesn't fit Batroc's physical profile or his pattern regarding casualties." The Jones woman didn't know why she was explaining this. It was clear that Batroc wasn't capable of pulling this off.

"Batroc isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, but our guy? He knows better than to be seen in the act." With her explanation finished, the secretary's sharp gaze relaxed on Andrea.

He knows something about this assassin.

  Andy felt the realization like a physicality. It was a suspicion more than anything, with no grounds aside from a simple change in expression. But, she knew it— she knew it in the way that she knew Pierce was not to be trusted.

"So, is he a suspect or not?" Steve asked, steering the focus away from Andy.

  Pierce waved a hand, "No, it's more complicated than that. We discovered that Batroc was hired anonymously to attack the Lemurian Star."

Suddenly, things began to shift for Andrea. She had an inkling now as to what Pierce was attempting. She was unimpressed.

  The elder man continued, "Batroc was contacted by email and paid through wire transfer. After that, the money was run through seventeen fictitious accounts."

"The last one lead to a holding company registered under Jacob Veech." There was a halt then, as if Pierce wanted them to ask the question.

  Andy refrained from sneering, "Are we supposed to know who that is?"

  Pierce shook his head, "Not likely, he died six years ago. His last known address was 1435 Elmhurst Drive. When I first met Nick, his mother lived at 1437."

  Andrea felt immediate anger. She knew what he was insinuating; that Fury hired the pirates. But, if that were true, it was more than likely he had cause.

  "So you're saying he hired them? Why?" Steve pressed for answers, in a way Andy couldn't bring herself to do.

  Pierce rose one dust-coloured brow, "The prevailing theory is that the hijacking was a cover for the acquisition and sale of classified intelligence. The sale had gone sour and that soon led to Fury's death."

  Andrea wanted to laugh, but above the urge to mock him, there was just rage. They were painting an image of Fury that made him out to be someone he wasn't. A criminal. The disrespect was infuriating.

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