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(Flashback continued)

The next morning, I woke up and George wasn't in the bed with me. I got up and he was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Good morning, George."
"Good morning, sleeping beauty. Breakfast is almost done."
After we ate breakfast we sat at the table still.
"(Y/N). Do you feel uncomfortable around me after what I told you last night?"
"Of course not George."
"Do you feel the same way?"
I thought for a bit and felt rude for hesitating.
"I do actually."
"Will you be my girlfriend, (y/n)?"
"Of course I will, george."

For two years we've been in love and there isn't anyone I'd rather be with but him. We've created so many memories together. I gave him Bree's old house key after he asked me to first be with him. I lived in that small apartment by myself until he officially moved in with me. We would always sit at our small table and talk about memories all the time. I've never felt like anyone could make me feel the way I felt when I was with George.  He was the greatest person who I could ever know and I never wanted to lose him.

Present day

"I'm the luckiest person in the world to have a lover like him." I thought to myself, smiling.

We had made love tonight. It wasn't our first time together, but I always feel the same happiness whenever we do.
I felt myself slip from his grasp. But he quickly pulled back into his arms.
"Don't go." He was still asleep but talked to me.
"I'll never go, my angel."

Woah I'm not sure what to do now. I think this was a great ending to this. But I'm wondering if I should keep this one going. Or Maybe I'll write another story. Lol most likely.

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