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Oh shit I forgot I was writing this. Sorry. Ily.

"(Y/N)," George whispered in my ear trying to wake me up.
I only groaned, hiding my face under the blanket. He turned the light on and pulled the blanket off me.
"What is it?" I said trying to cover my eyes from the light.
"Come on, princess, get up."
"I'm taking you out?"
"Where? What time is it?"
"It's a suprise."
"I'm too tired."
"Too bad, we're going." He uncovered my face and ran his fingers through my hair. "Come on pretty girl. Let's go."
I smiled and started to sit up.
"Fine. What time is it, George?"
"It's. Um. 1:00 a.m."
"Why are you taking me somewhere at 1:00 a.m.?"
"Because why not."
"Fine, I'll get up."

George had recently got his license, along with getting a car. So he was able to take us where ever the suprise was.
It felt like we had been driving for an hour until we arrived where this "suprise" was.
We were at a beach and of course not many people there. George had got a blanket out of the trunk and we walked out close to the water then set the blanket down. We sat down on the blanket and George pulled out his phone and put music on.
"What are we doing here?"
"We are... I don't know," he chuckled a bit and laid down.
I laid next to him and ran my fingers through his hair.
"I couldn't sleep," he said, looking up at the stars.
"So you decided to take us to the beach?"
"Pretty much." He looked at me and smiled. He kissed me softly and held me close.
He broke the kiss and ran his fingers through my hair.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, George."
He closed his eyes and fell asleep on the beach with me in his arms. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.
He opened his eyes a couple minutes later and yawned.
"I think we should go home now," he said sleepily rubbing his eyes.
I got up and helped him up.

When we arrived at our apartment George fell asleep quickly.
"Sweet dreams, love," I whispered and kissed his forehead.

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