Chapter 34

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(**** Cough cough!************ I just died because of 1K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost 2K!!! Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love youzzzzz)

Maddy's point of view.

"So when do I get to leave?" I ask the awkward looking nurse. I had just woken up about 2 or 3 hours ago. God.

I feel like shit.

I take another sip of my orange juice. When is Ari gonna get here with my cookie!?!?!?! I think loudly in my mind.

" I think." The nurse states flatly. Sweet! I can finally go home to my family! At least the rest of it. My mom is still here with me. But right now she went to search for a bathroom. The nurse leaves the room and I'm left alone again.

I miss my dog and my things sooo much! But most of all I miss Harry.

Where is he?

I haven't seen him since I woke up. I mean I have seen everyone else..but Harry...

I sat there messing with the hospital remote when Ari barged through the door.

 "Hey boo!" Ari sings. I giggle lightly as she hands me my large chocolate cookie.

"Your the best" I say taking ahold of the large gooey dessert. She laughs and starts to make her way to the end of my bed.

"Feeling better?" She says feeling my temp. 

"Yea..a little I guess. This cookie is delicious!" I squel taking another bite of my treat. 

"Haha, good. What do you mean by a little better? The nurse said that your side is al healed and that your in a lot better shape." Ari says. She gives me the look. The girl-tell-me-whats-wrong-look. I slowly let a tear strip down my face.

Dang this is so emotional.

"Ooooh!!! Tell me!" She yells wrapping her arms around me.

"I- I..dunno...." I say looking up at her sparkly brown eyes. She gived me a simpathetic smile and tightens the hug. 

" I know you miss him." 

"I dont just miss him....I need him.." I say sitting up in my tiny hospitle bed. "I dont even know how I got here!!!! I mean I was drugged and then somehow woke up in the hospitle!" I say gripping at my hair.

"Maddy you were uncoinces!!!! We escaped! Arent you happy!!!" She yells back at me.

"Where is harry?" I say demanding her to tell me.

"I....I- I dont know where..he..uh is.." She say looking at her feet.

"Did he leave me? Huh?" I say looking up at her. "Was I not good enough or something?!!?" I yell grabbing her wrist.

"!" She yells trying to break free of my grasp.

"Not until you tell me!!!" I shout whipping her body down to face me. She has tears streaming down her face shaking her head feircly. "Please....I love him...where is he....." I say at the vurge of crying.

"Maddy..he......he.." I stop her midsenctence. 

"No..dont tell me.'' I say breaking down. I know what happend. He died. Harry Edward Styles died.

For me.

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