Chapter 13

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Maddy's point of view:

I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing...

I fell asleep of Harry's chest. He held his arms tight around my torso so I wouldnt fall of the couch. It was so sweet of him to stay there and cuddle with me all night.

Oh crap! Why did I do that? I mean...14. But nothing happend so I guess I have nothing to worry about. He starts to wake up so I pretend like i'm sleeping again. I dont want him to get up, I'm so comfertable the way I am. 

"You know, I'm a really good cook" Harry says sitting up noticing that I was really awake. I'm not a really good actress so I guess he figured out that I wasnt sleeping prettty quicky. "You fell asleep pretty quick last night princess." He says putting his arm around my waist and helping me up. I was still in a lot of pain, but Harry made me feel a lot better. 

"MMM, El...stop it.....Eleanor please..babe...." We hear Louis laughing in his sleep. It's really just Zayn tickling his feet to wake him up. Liam fell asleep next to Kristen on the other side of the room. I still dont trust her, no one really does. That's why we sent Liam over there to make sure she doesnt hurt anyone else. Plus she still has to explain why on earth she shot me!!!

"Maddy, I have some extra clothes if you want them" Zayn says to me. "Ari can have some to, I brought some sweats and t shirts just in case Niall spills food on his clean clothes. He does that a lot." Zayn walks up to me and hands me some fresh smelling clothes and does the same for A. 

"What a gentleman" Ari says, pecking Zayn on the cheek. 

"Hey, what about me." Niall says crossing his arms and pouting. 

"Your my gentleman."she says pulling him in for a kiss. "Your so cute when you pout Nialls."

"I know" He says holding her head to his chest and snuggling with her. So cute I think to myself.

Kristin, Liam and Louis are all still asleep, we don't want to wake them so we quietly get up and make some cereal that Niall had brought with him for when he got hungry.  It sucks though because there is surely not enough food to feed all of us, so we have to be careful on our purport ions. Of course Niall doesn't care so he dumps half the box into his bowl and chugs half of the milk form the Minnie fridge.

"What are you doing?!?!?!?! We would like some food to Niall!!!'' Zayn yells at him causing him to spit cheerio chunks all over the place. 

"Sorry-mfm- I like food-mmmfn." he says shovleing food into his mouth. 

" Im not that hungry anymore..." I say setting down my bowl and spoon. My stomach hurts to bad to cram food into it. I'm alive but..barley.

YYYYYYYYAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Louis is awake now. He walks over and pecks both me and A on the cheek." Good morning beauties." he manages to get out. "I had the weirdest dream, El and me were.....hahahaha....we were...umm...never mind." He says motioning to me and Ari. 

"What?" Harry says laughing trying to get it out of him. " Were you..?"

"Yes we were!!!" he yells provocatively. "Now are we eating over here??'' he says looking for scraps of food to eat.

"I dont know, ask Niall." Zayn mumbles. He grabs the almost empty box and hands it to Louis. He looks at it then throws it at Niall. 

'NIALL, YOU ATE ALL THE FOOD!!!!" He yells in Nialls face. "What do we eat now???'

"We still have the popcorn machine," Niall says pointing to the popcorn.

"Yeah...until you eat it." 

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